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  • GPU Gems 2

    GPU Gems 2

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    Chapter 5. Optimizing Resource Management with Multistreaming

    Oliver Hoeller
    Piranha Bytes

    Kurt Pelzer
    Piranha Bytes

    One of the most difficult problems in modern real-time graphics applications is the massive amount of data that must be managed. Complex scenes with complex meshes combined with multiple render passes—as are needed for high-quality shadows and additional reflection and refraction effects, for example—are expensive to render. Finding ways to feed the GPU with optimally formatted data is crucial for successfully rendering complex scenes.

    This chapter addresses this issue and focuses on a flexible model to resolve the problem of handling the gamut of graphics hardware found in current PCs. A PC game must be able to run and run well on the latest high-end GPU all the way down to last year's "value" GPU—and on everything in between. We introduce a solution that handles the massive amount of data and is careful to transmit only the currently needed vertex components for each pass. This system, which has been implemented in the Gothic III engine, combines two powerful techniques: several vertex buffers are combined via multistreaming (a feature introduced with Microsoft DirectX 8.0), and each vertex buffer is controlled by an optimized resource manager. We present both the abstract concept as well as its implementation based on DirectX 9.0c.

    5.1 Overview

    Each vertex in a mesh has multiple components associated with it (position, normal, tangent, texture coordinates, and so on), but all of these entities aren't always necessary when rendering the object. We want an automated system that uses only the currently needed vertex components. To handle the task, we use vertex buffer streams specialized for certain subtasks. Depending on the current rendering pass, subsets of these streams are combined to assemble the vertices.

    We need four basic types of streams, as shown in Figure 5-1. Here are the streams and their subtasks:

    • G—Vertex stream for geometry data. Contains vertex position, normal, and vertex color(s).
    • T—Vertex stream for texture-mapping data. Holds texture coordinate sets and additional information such as tangent vectors for tangent-space normal maps.
    • A—Vertex stream for animation data. Holds animation data such as bone weights and influences.
    • I—Vertex stream for instancing data. Contains data for vertex stream frequency instancing.

    Figure 5-1 Four Types of Vertex Streams

    Subsets of these four streams combine to handle different tasks, as shown in Figure 5-2:

    • Render meshes without animation

      Possible stream combinations: G or G + T

    • Render meshes with animation

      Possible stream combinations: G + A or G + T + A

    • Render instanced meshes (optionally with animation)

      Possible stream combinations: G + I or G + T + I

      (Optional: G + A + I or G + T + A + I)

    • Render pure z-pass (optionally with or without instancing, with or without animation)

      Possible stream combinations: G

      (Optional: G + A or G + I or G + A + I)


    Figure 5-2 Combining Currently Needed Streams

    The next section presents an implementation of this model.

    5.2 Implementation

    Now we show how to implement the abstract concept discussed in Section 5.1. First we examine some multistreaming example code based on DirectX 9.0c. Next we present the resource manager that handles the mesh resources. Finally, we show how to translate generic mesh data into the appropriate hardware structure.

    5.2.1 Multistreaming with DirectX 9.0

    Microsoft DirectX 8.0 introduced the notion of a stream to bind data to input registers. A stream is a uniform array of component data. Each component consists of one or more elements that represent a single entity, such as position, normal, color, texture coordinate set, and so on. With streams, GPUs are able to perform a direct memory access (DMA) from multiple vertex buffers in parallel. The Direct3D caps bit D3DCAPS9.MaxStreams defines how many streams a GPU supports; modern hardware supports up to 16 streams, while older, DirectX 8.0-compliant GPUs are limited to 8 streams. Because multistreaming has some minor performance implications, it's advisable to minimize the number of active streams. Because our implementation uses only 1 to 4 streams, all GPUs with multistreaming support can be targeted, with minimal loss of performance.

    Listing 5-1 shows our multistreaming example code. Using DirectX 9.0 for this task, we need only three simple components:

    • A correct vertex declaration (an array of D3DVERTEXELEMENT9) and the IDirect3DDevice9::CreateVertexDeclaration() method to create a vertex declaration object.
    • The IDirect3DDevice9::SetVertexDeclaration() method to set the vertex declaration object.
    • The IDirect3DDevice9::SetStreamSource() method to bind a vertex buffer to a device data stream, creating an association between the vertex data and one of several data stream ports that feed the primitive processing functions.

    Example 5-1. A Set of Vertex Definitions and a Vertex Declaration

    // Initializations:
    // Here is a set of vertex definitions to support two streams.
    // Vertex format:
    // stream 0->position + normal + color 0 +color 1
    // stream 1->4 texture coordinate pairs
    struct VTXSTREAM_0
      float fPosX, fPosY, fPosZ;
      float fNormX, fNormY, fNormZ;
      DWORD dwColor0, dwColor1;
    struct VTXSTREAM_1
      float fTexU0, fTexV0;
      float fTexU1, fTexV1;
      float fTexU2, fTexV2;
      float fTexU3, fTexV3;
    // Vertex declaration
    D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 m_VtxDcl[] =
             0}, // stream 0, position
            // stream 0, normal
            // stream 0, color 0
            // stream 0, color 1
             D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD, 0}, // stream 1, tex coord set 0
             D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD, 1}, // stream 1, tex coord set 1
             D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD, 2}, // stream 1, tex coord set 2
             D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD, 3}
            // stream 1, tex coord set 3
    // Create a vertex declaration object
    m_pd3dDevice->CreateVertexDeclaration(m_VtxDcl, &m_pVtxDclObj);

    In Listing 5-1, we present a set of vertex definitions and create a vertex declaration object m_pVtxDeclObject that describes the following vertex data layout:

    • Vertex position data are found in stream 0 with a 0-byte offset. The data type is three-component float that expands to (float, float, float, 1).
    • Vertex normal data are found in stream 0 with a 12-byte offset. The data type is three-component float that expands to (float, float, float, 1).
    • Diffuse and specular color are found in stream 0 with offsets of 24 bytes (diffuse) and 28 bytes (specular). The data type is four-component, packed, unsigned bytes mapped to a range of 0 to 1.
    • Texture coordinate data (sets 0 to 3) are found in stream 1 with offsets of 0 bytes (set 0), 8 bytes (set 1), 16 bytes (set 2), and 24 bytes (set 3). The data type is two-component float that expands to (float, float, 0, 1).

    Before calling a draw method, we must set this vertex declaration object together with the vertex buffers bound to the correct device data streams, as shown in Listing 5-2.

    Example 5-2. Binding Vertex Buffers to Streams

    // Each time we want to render primitives:
    // Set the vertex declaration object
    // Bind vertex buffers to device data streams
    m_pd3dDevice->SetStreamSource(0, m_pVtxBuf0, 0, sizeof(VTXSTREAM_0));
    m_pd3dDevice->SetStreamSource(1, m_pVtxBuf1, 0, sizeof(VTXSTREAM_1));
    // Render ..

    The actual references to the stream data do not occur until a drawing method, such as IDirect3DDevice9::DrawIndexedPrimitive(), is called.

    5.2.2 Resource Management

    In the Gothic III engine, we employ the concept of resource management to handle the administration of all data-intensive elements, such as vertex data (mesh information), textures, animation data (key frames and skinning data), sounds, and music. All these data structures use a uniform framework. It provides a simple interface so that other systems of the engine can access it.

    All resources are packed into abstract data objects. We address these data objects by file name or by a globally unique identifier (GUID). The access of data containers is similarly organized like a database access. If you call a query, you get a referenceable data container with all necessary structures of the specified data.

    The resource management system ensures the immediate and simultaneous availability of the data. It is also responsible for converting this proprietary data into the graphics hardware's preferred format.

    As we mentioned, the resource management system makes it possible to store mesh data in specified file locations and to load these mesh objects only as needed. These structures must be stored in an efficient and flexible way, but vertex data layout can vary substantially from mesh to mesh.

    The loaded resources should provide a reference counter, so that the same mesh can be used repeatedly in a scene. Geometry instancing is used to speed up rendering this type of mesh. (See Chapter 3 of this book, "Inside Geometry Instancing.")

    The mesh information is generated by tools such as 3ds max or Maya. For this operation, a suitable importer has to be developed, as shown in Figure 5-3.


    Figure 5-3 Structure of the Resource Framework

    The Mesh Resource

    One of the database containers provided by the resource management system is a mesh resource, which has all relevant structures, all vertex and index data arrays, and a link to an abstract material object (which is also a referenceable resource).

    Note that the vertex structure wrapped into a resource class (as shown in Figure 5-3) isn't adapted to any specific graphics API (such as DirectX or OpenGL). We can therefore implement the whole resource system independent of the graphics API used.

    These structures consist of simple vertex streams (arrays) containing a single vertex component, such as position (an array of 3D vectors), normals (an array of 3D vectors), color (an array of DWORD values), or up to 16 texture coordinates (an array of 1D, 2D, 3D, or 4D vectors) and other customized data arrays such as weights for hardware skinning.

    To complete this groundwork, we have developed a hardware-independent resource framework with a mesh class and its administrative interface. Furthermore, we have written a specified importer for the corresponding modeling tool.

    5.2.3 Processing Vertices

    The renderer takes over the task of changing the hardware-independent data into a format that is optimal for the graphics hardware.

    First, the mesh resources are loaded into main memory at the start of the application. Alternatively, we use an on-demand approach to load the data into memory when needed, using a separate thread.

    For the renderer, the mesh object is only a temporary container to build up the correct format. The generated hardware-dependent format is used by the application to draw the scene. The reason for this strict separation is the ability to tailor the data optimally for the GPU found in the PC on which the application is currently running. We use only the vertex data that are actually needed.

    This separation becomes useful in the adaptation of needed texture coordinates: On less powerful hardware, many visual effects are turned off because the hardware is incapable of running them, or because the overall rendering load needs to be reduced. Because these effects are not rendered, the texture coordinates used by these effects need not be passed to the graphics hardware. They can simply be removed. So we reduce memory consumption and save processor power and bandwidth.

    For this task, we provide a submodule, which we have named Vertexprocessor, that translates the generic mesh data into the specified hardware structure. The following steps are necessary for the data to be prepared for multistreaming:

    • When a mesh resource is requested, Vertexprocessor loads this data into memory if the object isn't already available, or increments the reference counter of the mesh object if it is already loaded.
    • The stored vertex format of the mesh object is determined. This can happen via the embedded FVF flag or with the implementation used in the resource class (hardware independent).
    • The Vertexprocessor divides the single generic vertex arrays into the four hardware-specific vertex streams (that is, streams G, T, A, and I, discussed in Section 5.1). The vertex arrays are accessed by the MeshResource::GetVertexStreamArray() method, as shown in Figure 5-4, which translates or copies the arrays into the specific component of one of the four vertex buffers.

    Figure 5-4 Query of Single Vertex Streams Used by Vertexprocessor

    Geometry Data

    The Vertexprocessor unit for geometry data seeks position, normals, and the two colors (if available) from a mesh object.

    For illustration purposes, Listing 5-3 creates a vertex buffer that contains all this information and uses this specific vertex layout. The buffer should have a cache-friendly size of 32 bytes per entry, so the layout is fixed for this buffer type.

    Example 5-3. Creating a Vertex Buffer

    D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 m_VtxDcl[] = {
         0}, // stream 0, position
        // stream 0, normal
        // stream 0, color 0
        // stream 0, color 1
    // Here comes the vertex definition.
    // Vertex format:
    // stream 0->position + normal + color 0 + color 1
    struct sVTXStreamGeometry
      float vecPos[3];
      float vecNorm[3];
      DWORD dwColor0, dwColor1;
    // Data container Resourcemesh supports GetVertexStreamArray here.
    // (See API methods above.)
    cResourceMesh *m_pResourceMesh;
    // Create the vertex declaration and create a specific vertex buffer.
    // For clarity, we calculate the size of the buffer in the number of
    // elements and the corresponding FVF flags. In our engine implementation,
    // the geometry stream has a size of 32 bytes (cache-friendly), so we
    // can easily create the sufficient memory size of the vertex buffer.
    m_pVtxBuf0 = CreateVertexBuffer(NumVertices, FVF_XYZ | FVF_NORMAL |
                                                     FVF_DIFFUSE | FVF_SPECULAR);
    sVTXStreamGeometry *pBuffer = LockBuffer(m_pVtxBuf0);
    for each
      vertexIndex in m_pResourceMesh
        pBuffer->m_vecPos =
            m_pResourceMesh->GetVertexStreamArray(enum_Position, vertexIndex);
        pBuffer->m_vecNorm =
            m_pResourceMesh->GetVertexStreamArray(enum_Normal, vertexIndex);
        pBuffer->m_dwColor0 =
            m_pResourceMesh->GetVertexStreamArray(enum_Diffuse, vertexIndex);
        pBuffer->m_dwColor1 =
            m_pResourceMesh->GetVertexStreamArray(enum_Specular, vertexIndex);

    Texture Data

    The Vertexprocessor unit for texture data fetches the available texture coordinate slots from the mesh object and builds up a flexible vertex buffer with all necessary texture coordinates. At most, eight texture coordinate groups (with a 1D, 2D, 3D, or 4D vector per texture coordinate) are possible.

    In addition, one of the slots can be encoded as tangent vectors for tangent-space normal maps; otherwise, it would be necessary to use a separate vertex buffer stream for this information. We omit this in Listing 5-4 for clarity. It is, however, straightforward to add this feature.

    If light maps are available, we should use a separate Vertexprocessor unit (that is, a separate vertex buffer per mesh instance), because every instance must have unique UV pairs for light map textures. Light maps must be individually mapped, and their mapping coordinates depend on their world-space position, and so they can't be instantiated. This can be a big problem for the memory footprint and performance of your application. Consequently, light maps are useful for big meshes, such as terrain in outdoor scenarios or irregular wall meshes in dungeons, but not for small meshes or multi-instantiated objects.

    Example 5-4. A Vertex Buffer Stream for Texture Data

    // Data container Resourcemesh supports GetVertexStreamArray here.
    // (See API methods above.)
    cResourceMesh *m_pResourceMesh;
    // This is a template array structure to allocate a flexible amount
    // of vtxDcl structures in one block
    Array<D3DVERTEXELEMENT9> arrDeclVtx;
    // We create a specific vertex buffer for textures. We use the FVF flag
    // from Resourcemesh and filter the specific texture flags to create
    // the specific buffer.
    // For clarity, we use here a function that calculates the size of the
    // buffer and the corresponding FVF flags. You can use an alternative
    // implementation to calculate the correct size of the vertex buffer.
    sVTXStreamTexture *pVtxBuf1 = CreateVertexBuffer(
        NumTextureEntries, m_pResourceMesh->m_FVFFlag &TextureFlags);
    // Lock buffer with unspecific byte pointer
    char *pBuffer = LockBuffer(pVtxBuf1);
    // Current buffer position (in bytes) in locked data of vertex buffer
    DWORD dwGlobalBufferPosition = 0;
    for each
      textureIndex in m_pResourceMesh
        DWORD dwCurrentOffset = 0; // Current offset position for vtxDecl
        for (int i = 0; i < m_pResourceMesh->GetNumberOfTextureSlots(); i++)
          // Array template allocates us a new structure at the end of the
          // structure block and returns a nonconstant reference of the block.
          // All structures allocated before remain unchanged (by realloc).
          D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 &flexibleElement = arrDeclVtx.InsertNewEnd();
          flexibleElement.Stream = 1; // Is at 2nd position after Geometry
          flexibleElement.Usage = D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD;
          // Current size in bytes of texture slots (u,v = 8 bytes)
          // r,s,t = 12 bytes, r,s,t,w = 16 bytes
          DWORD dwCurrentTextureSlotSize =
          // For specified slot, we look for what size (in bytes) we need
          // and add it to our global offset counter dwCurrentOffset
          flexibleElement.Offset = dwCurrentOffset;
          // Calculate stream position in Resourcemesh for specified
          // texture slot
          int enumStreamArraySlot = m_pResourceMesh->GetTextureSlotEnum(i);
          // Now copy out the vertex information from the Resourcemesh
          // stream into locked buffer
          memcpy(&pBuffer[dwGlobalBufferPosition + dwCurrentOffset],
          dwCurrentOffset += dwCurrentTextureSlotSize;
          // Calculate types of vtxDecl (D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT2 = 8 bytes,
          // D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3 = 12 bytes, D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT4 = 16 bytes)
          flexibleElement.Type = CalculateDataSizeType(dwCurrentTextureSlotSize);
        // Add new position offset to global position in buffer
        dwGlobalBufferPosition += dwCurrentOffset;

    Animation Data

    The Vertexprocessor unit for animation data builds up weights for animation skinning with bones in hardware. A varying number of weights per bone can be used, so it is not necessary to waste more memory than is really needed. In Gothic III, we use up to six weights per bone for our animation system.

    Index Data

    An index buffer corresponding to the above vertex buffers is also built up. Indices are stored into a mesh object as a separate stream of information. The bit size of index entries (whether 16 or 32 bit) depends on the number of vertices. Having more than 65,535 entries necessitates using DWORDs as index entries. Otherwise, WORD (16-bit) indices suffice. Choosing the smallest possible data type helps reduce an application's memory footprint.

    The Vertexprocessor has the responsibility to create all the previously described vertex buffers in an optimal manner for hardware (typically they are created as Pool_Managed and WriteOnly)(Ashida 2004).

    Rendering the Streams

    Once all the streams are built up properly, they are available for rendering and drawing.

    As an example of using streams separately, we execute the G-stream (that is, the geometry stream) as a separate z-pass, to achieve fast z-rejects in hardware and to use this buffer in conjunction with an occlusion query system implemented in the render system. (See Chapter 6 of this book, "Hardware Occlusion Queries Made Useful," for an example of such a system.)

    It is possible to add the A-stream (the animation stream) in the calculation, but the effort isn't worthwhile in most cases. The number of pixels that differ because of the animation is typically small and thus out of proportion to the additional rendering cost of adding animation.

    Individual streams are activated depending on the view (whether solid rendering or z-pass) by the renderer.

    5.3 Conclusion

    In this chapter, we have shown how current applications can overcome problems caused by the growing amount of geometry data in scenes. We've discussed a flexible model that gives the application more control over the data and drives the detected hardware optimally by combining two powerful techniques:

    • Several vertex buffers are combined via multistreaming.
    • Each vertex buffer is controlled by an optimized resource manager.

    A nice side benefit: we efficiently handle the bandwidth for data, which sometimes can be limited because of data duplication/redundant data transmission across the bus from system memory to the GPU.

    5.4 References

    Ashida, Koji. 2004. "Optimising the Graphics Pipeline." NVIDIA presentation. http://www.open-lab.net/docs/IO/10878/ChinaJoy2004_OptimizationAndTools.pdf

    Cebenoyan, Cem. 2004. "Graphics Pipeline Performance." In GPU Gems, edited by Randima Fernando, pp. 473–486. Addison-Wesley. Available online at http://www.open-lab.net/object/GPU_Gems_Samples.html

    For additional information about programming one or more streams in DirectX, see the Microsoft Web site:



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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    GPU gems 2 : programming techniques for high-performance graphics and general-purpose
    computation / edited by Matt Pharr ; Randima Fernando, series editor.
    p. cm.
    Includes bibliographical references and index.
    ISBN 0-321-33559-7 (hardcover : alk. paper)
    1. Computer graphics. 2. Real-time programming. I. Pharr, Matt. II. Fernando, Randima.

    T385.G688 2005

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    To everyone striving to make today's best computer graphics look primitive tomorrow
