Enumerator |
NvSciError_Success | [EOK] No error
NvSciError_Unknown | Unidentified error with no additional info.
NvSciError_NotImplemented | [ENOSYS] Feature is not implemented
NvSciError_NotSupported | [ENOTSUP] Feature is not supported
NvSciError_AccessDenied | [EACCES] Access to resource denied
NvSciError_NotPermitted | [EPERM] No permission to perform operation
NvSciError_InvalidState | Resource is in wrong state to perform operation.
NvSciError_InvalidOperation | Requested operation is not legal.
NvSciError_NotInitialized | Required resource is not initialized.
NvSciError_AlreadyInUse | Requested resource is already in use.
NvSciError_AlreadyDone | Operation has already been performed.
NvSciError_NotYetAvailable | Resource/information not yet available.
NvSciError_NoLongerAvailable | Resource/information no longer available.
NvSciError_InsufficientMemory | [ENOMEM] Not enough memory
NvSciError_InsufficientResource | Not enough (non-memory) resources.
NvSciError_ResourceError | Resource failed.
NvSciError_BadParameter | [EINVAL] Invalid parameter value
NvSciError_BadAddress | [EFAULT] Invalid address
NvSciError_TooBig | [E2BIG] Parameter list too long
NvSciError_Overflow | [EOVERFLOW] Value too large for data type
NvSciError_InconsistentData | Parameters are inconsistent with each other or prior settings
NvSciError_InsufficientData | Parameters or prior settings are insufficient.
NvSciError_IndexOutOfRange | An index is not in the allowed range.
NvSciError_ValueOutOfRange | A value is not in the allowed range.
NvSciError_Revalidation_Success | An object is successfully revalidated.
NvSciError_Timeout | [ETIMEDOUT] Operation timed out
NvSciError_TryItAgain | [EAGAIN] Resource unavailable.
Try again.
NvSciError_Busy | [EBUSY] Resource is busy
NvSciError_InterruptedCall | [EINTR] An interrupt ocurred
NvSciError_NoSuchDevice | [ENODEV] No such device
NvSciError_NoSpace | [ENOSPC] No space left on device
NvSciError_NoSuchDevAddr | [ENXIO] No such device or address
NvSciError_IO | [EIO] Input/output error
NvSciError_InvalidIoctlNum | [ENOTTY] Inappropriate I/O control operation
NvSciError_NoSuchEntry | [ENOENT] No such file or directory
NvSciError_BadFileDesc | [EBADF] Bad file descriptor
NvSciError_CorruptedFileSys | [EBADFSYS] Corrupted file system detected
NvSciError_FileExists | [EEXIST] File already exists
NvSciError_IsDirectory | [EISDIR] File is a directory
NvSciError_ReadOnlyFileSys | [EROFS] Read-only file system
NvSciError_TextFileBusy | [ETXTBSY] Text file is busy
NvSciError_FileNameTooLong | [ENAMETOOLONG] File name is too long
NvSciError_FileTooBig | [EFBIG] File is too large
NvSciError_TooManySymbolLinks | [ELOOP] Too many levels of symbolic links
NvSciError_TooManyOpenFiles | [EMFILE] Too many open files in process
NvSciError_FileTableOverflow | [ENFILE] Too many open files in system
NvSciError_EndOfFile | End of file reached.
NvSciError_ConnectionReset | [ECONNRESET] Connection was closed or lost
NvSciError_AlreadyInProgress | [EALREADY] Pending connection is already in progress
NvSciError_NoData | [ENODATA] No message data available
NvSciError_NoDesiredMessage | [ENOMSG] No message of the desired type available
NvSciError_MessageSize | [EMSGSIZE] Message is too large
NvSciError_NoRemote | [ENOREMOTE] Remote node doesn't exist
NvSciError_NoSuchProcess | [ESRCH] No such process
NvSciError_MutexNotRecoverable | [ENOTRECOVERABLE] Mutex damaged by previous owner's death
NvSciError_LockOwnerDead | [EOWNERDEAD] Previous owner died while holding mutex
NvSciError_ResourceDeadlock | [EDEADLK] Taking ownership would cause deadlock
NvSciError_ReconciliationFailed | Could not reconcile attributes.
NvSciError_AttrListValidationFailed | Could not validate attributes.
NvSciError_ObjValidationFailed | Object validation has errors.
NvSciError_CommonEnd | End of range for common error codes.
NvSciError_NvSciBufUnknown | Unidentified NvSciBuf error with no additional info.
NvSciError_NvSciBufEnd | End of range for NvSciBuf errors.
NvSciError_NvSciSyncUnknown | Unidentified NvSciSync error with no additional info.
NvSciError_UnsupportedConfig | Unsupported configuration.
NvSciError_ClearedFence | Provided fence is cleared.
NvSciError_NvSciSyncEnd | |
NvSciError_NvSciStreamUnknown | Unidentified NvSciStream error with no additional info.
NvSciError_StreamInternalError | Internal stream resource failure occurred.
NvSciError_StreamBadBlock | Unrecognized block handle.
NvSciError_StreamBadPacket | Unrecognized packet handle.
NvSciError_StreamBadCookie | Invalid packet cookie value.
NvSciError_StreamNotConnected | Operation requires stream be fully connected.
NvSciError_StreamNotSetupPhase | Operation can only be performed in setup phase.
NvSciError_StreamNotSafetyPhase | Operation can only be performed in safety phase.
NvSciError_NoStreamPacket | No stream packet available.
NvSciError_StreamPacketInaccessible | Referenced packet's current location does not allow this operation.
NvSciError_StreamPacketDeleted | Internal error due to operation on deleted packet.
NvSciError_StreamInfoNotProvided | Queried info not exist.
NvSciError_StreamLockFailed | These stream errors represent failures detected from lower level system components.
They generally are not due to any user error, but might be caused by the system running out of resources. Failed to acquire lock on mutex used to ensure thread safety
NvSciError_StreamBadSrcIndex | These stream errors represent internal failures which should never be possible in a production system.
They exist only for internal unit testing. Invalid input index was passed to a block.
NvSciError_StreamBadDstIndex | Invalid output index was passed to a block.
NvSciError_NvSciStreamEnd | End of range for NvSciStream errors.
NvSciError_NvSciIpcUnknown | Unidentified NvSciIpc error with no additional info.
NvSciError_PcieUncorrectableFatal | Indicates there is uncorrectable fatal error during PCIE operation.
NvSciError_PcieUncorrectableNonFatal | Indicates there is uncorrectable non fatal error during PCIE operation.
NvSciError_PcieEdmaTransferErr | Indicates there is eDMA error during PCIE operation.
NvSciError_PcieValidationError | Indicates there is validation error.
NvSciError_NvSciIpcEnd | End of range for NvSciIpc errors.
NvSciError_NvSciEventUnknown | Unidentified NvSciEvent error with no additional info.
NvSciError_NvSciEventEnd | End of range for NvSciEvent errors.