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  • NVIDIA DRIVE OS Linux SDK API Reference

    6.0.9 Release
    All Data Structures Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Macros Modules Pages
    Tensor Handling API

    Detailed Description

    The Tensor Processing API encompasses all NvMedia tensor related functionality.

    Data Structures

    struct  NvMediaTensorTaskStatus
     Holds the status of the latest operation for a tensor. More...
    struct  NvMediaTensorAttr
     Holds tensor creation attributes. More...
    struct  NvMediaTensorSurfaceMap
     Defines the tensor surface map descriptor used by NvMediaTensorLock(). More...


     Major version number. More...
     Minor version number. More...
     Patch version number. More...
    #define NVMTENSOR_4D_MAX_N   (65536u)
     Defines the maximum supported number of tensor surfaces. More...
    #define NVMTENSOR_4D_MAX_C   (8192u)
     Defines the maximum supported number of channels of a 4D tensor. More...
    #define NVMTENSOR_4D_MAX_H   (8192u)
     Defines the maximum supported height of a 4D tensor. More...
    #define NVMTENSOR_4D_MAX_W   (8192u)
     Defines the maximum supported width of a 4D tensor. More...
    #define NVMTENSOR_4D_MAX_X   (1024u)
     Defines the maximum supported x value of a 4D tensor. More...
     This macro tells NvMediaTensorGetStatus() and NvMediaTensorLock() APIs to block infinitely till the operation finishes. More...
    #define NVM_TENSOR_ATTR_CPU_ACCESS_UNCACHED   (0x00000001u)
     Specifies that the tensor CPU accesses are uncached. More...
    #define NVM_TENSOR_ATTR_CPU_ACCESS_CACHED   (0x00000002u)
     Specifies that the tensor CPU accesses are cacheable. More...
    #define NVM_TENSOR_ATTR_CPU_ACCESS_UNMAPPED   (0x00000003u)
     Specifies that the tensor CPU accesses are unmapped from the virtual address space of the current process. More...
    #define NVM_TENSOR_ATTR_ALLOC_NONE   (0x00000000u)
     Specifies that the tensor allocation is on Soc DRAM. More...
    #define NVM_TENSOR_INIT_ATTR(x)
     A helper macro to initialize tensor creation attributes. More...
     A helper macro to define tensor creation attributes. More...
    #define NVM_TENSOR_SET_ATTR_4D(attr, N, C, H, W, order, datatype, bpe, accesstype, alloctype, X)
     A helper macro to set 4-D tensor creation attributes. More...


    typedef struct NvMediaTensor NvMediaTensor
     A handle representing tensor objects. More...


    enum  NvMediaTensorAttrType {
     Defines attribute types for creating NvMedia Tensor. More...
    enum  NvMediaTensorLockAccess {
     Defines tensor lock access types. More...


    void NvMediaTensorDestroy (NvMediaTensor *tensor)
     Destroys a tensor object previously created by NvMediaTensorCreateFromNvSciBuf(). More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaTensorLock (NvMediaTensor *tensor, NvMediaTensorLockAccess lockAccessType, NvMediaTensorSurfaceMap *surfaceMap)
     Locks a tensor and returns the associated mapped pointers pointing to the tensor surface data. More...
    void NvMediaTensorUnlock (NvMediaTensor *tensor)
     Unlocks a tensor. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaTensorGetStatus (NvMediaTensor *tensor, uint32_t millisecondWait, NvMediaTensorTaskStatus *status)
     Gets the status of the last operation for the tensor, and optionally waits for the operation to complete or time out. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaTensorGetMetaData (const NvMediaTensor *tensor, NvMediaTensorMetaData *tensormetadata)
     Fills in the metadata information for the tensor. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaTensorGetVersion (NvMediaVersion *version)
     Returns version information for the NvMediaTensor library. More...

    Macro Definition Documentation


    #define NVM_TENSOR_ATTR_ALLOC_NONE   (0x00000000u)

    Specifies that the tensor allocation is on Soc DRAM.

    Definition at line 150 of file nvmedia_tensor.h.


    #define NVM_TENSOR_ATTR_CPU_ACCESS_CACHED   (0x00000002u)

    Specifies that the tensor CPU accesses are cacheable.

    In this case, the tensor memory will be mapped and can be accessed with a mapping into the current process's virtual address space.

    Definition at line 132 of file nvmedia_tensor.h.


    #define NVM_TENSOR_ATTR_CPU_ACCESS_UNCACHED   (0x00000001u)

    Specifies that the tensor CPU accesses are uncached.

    In this case, the tensor memory will be mapped and can be accessed with a mapping into the current process's virtual address space.

    Definition at line 126 of file nvmedia_tensor.h.


    #define NVM_TENSOR_ATTR_CPU_ACCESS_UNMAPPED   (0x00000003u)

    Specifies that the tensor CPU accesses are unmapped from the virtual address space of the current process.

    Definition at line 137 of file nvmedia_tensor.h.


    #define NVM_TENSOR_DEFINE_ATTR (   x)

    A helper macro to define tensor creation attributes.

    Definition at line 202 of file nvmedia_tensor.h.


    #define NVM_TENSOR_INIT_ATTR (   x)

    A helper macro to initialize tensor creation attributes.

    xThe array to initialize with tensor creation attributes.

    Definition at line 166 of file nvmedia_tensor.h.


    #define NVM_TENSOR_SET_ATTR_4D (   attr,

    A helper macro to set 4-D tensor creation attributes.

    The attr parameter must be defined before setting the values using NVM_TENSOR_SET_ATTR_4D. For example, to set the attributes for NCHW 4-D FP16 tensor:

    attrThe attribute to set.
    NA tensor layout dimension for number of surfaces.
    CA tensor layout dimension for number of channels on the surface.
    HA tensor layout dimension for the height of the surface.
    WA tensor layout dimension for the width of the surface.
    orderThe order of the tensor elements.
    datatypeThe datatype for this tensor.
    bpeSpecifies the bits per element.
    accesstypeSpecifies the access type.
    alloctypeSpecifies the allocation type.
    XA tensor layout dimension for X.

    Definition at line 228 of file nvmedia_tensor.h.



    This macro tells NvMediaTensorGetStatus() and NvMediaTensorLock() APIs to block infinitely till the operation finishes.

    Definition at line 72 of file nvmedia_tensor.h.



    Major version number.

    Definition at line 50 of file nvmedia_tensor.h.



    Minor version number.

    Definition at line 52 of file nvmedia_tensor.h.



    Patch version number.

    Definition at line 54 of file nvmedia_tensor.h.


    #define NVMTENSOR_4D_MAX_C   (8192u)

    Defines the maximum supported number of channels of a 4D tensor.

    Definition at line 59 of file nvmedia_tensor.h.


    #define NVMTENSOR_4D_MAX_H   (8192u)

    Defines the maximum supported height of a 4D tensor.

    Definition at line 61 of file nvmedia_tensor.h.


    #define NVMTENSOR_4D_MAX_N   (65536u)

    Defines the maximum supported number of tensor surfaces.

    Definition at line 57 of file nvmedia_tensor.h.


    #define NVMTENSOR_4D_MAX_W   (8192u)

    Defines the maximum supported width of a 4D tensor.

    Definition at line 63 of file nvmedia_tensor.h.


    #define NVMTENSOR_4D_MAX_X   (1024u)

    Defines the maximum supported x value of a 4D tensor.

    This value is only for NCxHWx order.

    Definition at line 65 of file nvmedia_tensor.h.

    Typedef Documentation

    ◆ NvMediaTensor

    typedef struct NvMediaTensor NvMediaTensor

    A handle representing tensor objects.

    Definition at line 88 of file nvmedia_tensor.h.

    Enumeration Type Documentation

    ◆ NvMediaTensorAttrType

    Defines attribute types for creating NvMedia Tensor.

    The maximum supported NvMediaTensor size is (UINT32_MAX) = 4294967295 bytes.


    Specifies the tensor data type.


    Defines the tensor bits per element.


    Defines the tensor dimension order.


    Defines the CPU access to tensor.

    (default: uncached)


    Defines the allocation type, reserved.

    (default: none)


    Attribute types for 4D tensors.

    Defines the number of tensor surfaces.


    Defines the number of channels of a 4D tensor.


    Defines the height of a 4D tensor.


    Defines the width of a 4D tensor.


    Defines the x value of a 4D tensor.

    This value is only for NCxHWx order


    Defines the maximum number of tensor creation attributes.

    Definition at line 94 of file nvmedia_tensor.h.

    ◆ NvMediaTensorLockAccess

    Defines tensor lock access types.


    Read access.


    Write access.


    Read/Write access.

    Definition at line 265 of file nvmedia_tensor.h.

    Function Documentation

    ◆ NvMediaTensorDestroy()

    void NvMediaTensorDestroy ( NvMediaTensor tensor)

    Destroys a tensor object previously created by NvMediaTensorCreateFromNvSciBuf().

    [in]tensorThe tensor to destroy.
    Input range: A valid, non-null pointer to NvMediaTensor.
    • NvMediaTensor must have been created

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Re-entrant: No
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: Yes

    ◆ NvMediaTensorGetMetaData()

    NvMediaStatus NvMediaTensorGetMetaData ( const NvMediaTensor tensor,
    NvMediaTensorMetaData tensormetadata 

    Fills in the metadata information for the tensor.

    [in]tensorThe tensor object to get metadata from.
    Input range: A valid, non-null pointer to NvMediaTensor.
    [in,out]tensormetadataA pointer to a NvMediaTensorMetaData structure where tensor metadata is copied. This should be a non-NULL value
    NvMediaStatus, the completion status of the operation:
    Return values
    NVMEDIA_STATUS_OKif the function is successful.
    NVMEDIA_STATUS_BAD_PARAMETERif any of the arguments are NULL or invalid.
    NVMEDIA_STATUS_INVALID_STATEif the API is triggered in the DRIVEOS state that is not allowed as per the API Group.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Re-entrant: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: No
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: No

    ◆ NvMediaTensorGetStatus()

    NvMediaStatus NvMediaTensorGetStatus ( NvMediaTensor tensor,
    uint32_t  millisecondWait,
    NvMediaTensorTaskStatus status 

    Gets the status of the last operation for the tensor, and optionally waits for the operation to complete or time out.

    [in]tensorThe handle to the tensor object.
    Input range: A valid, non-null pointer to NvMediaTensor.
    [in]millisecondWaitTime in milliseconds to wait for the operation to complete before getting the status. Recommended value is NVMEDIA_TENSOR_TIMEOUT_INFINITE.
    [out]statusThe status of the operation.
    Input range: A valid, non-null pointer to NvMediaTensorTaskStatus.
    NvMediaStatus, the completion status of the operation:
    Return values
    NVMEDIA_STATUS_OKif the function is successful.
    NVMEDIA_STATUS_TIMEOUT- if the wait on the tensor timed out.
    • if the task execution exceeded the user input value
    NVMEDIA_STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY- if memory related DLA error occured
    NVMEDIA_STATUS_PFSD_ERRORif a failure occurs during permanent fault diagnostics
    NVMEDIA_STATUS_BAD_PARAMETERif any of the arguments are NULL or invalid.
    NVMEDIA_STATUS_ERROR- if an internal DLA SW stack error occured.
    • if the input task status is not success, this error is returned for remaining tasks in the chain
    NVMEDIA_STATUS_INVALID_STATE- if the API is triggered in the DRIVEOS state that is not allowed as per the API Group.
    • The user must have submitted a task to the DLA engine before calling this function.
    • The user must call this API only for output NvMediaTensors filled by NvMediaDlaSubmit().

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Re-entrant: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: No
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: No

    ◆ NvMediaTensorGetVersion()

    NvMediaStatus NvMediaTensorGetVersion ( NvMediaVersion version)

    Returns version information for the NvMediaTensor library.

    [out]versionA valid, non-NULL pointer to NvMediaVersion to store version information.
    NvMediaStatus, the completion status of the operation:
    Return values
    NVMEDIA_STATUS_OKif the function call is successful.
    NVMEDIA_STATUS_BAD_PARAMETERif version is invalid.
    NVMEDIA_STATUS_INVALID_STATEif the API is triggered in the DRIVEOS state that is not allowed as per the API Group.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Re-entrant: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: No

    ◆ NvMediaTensorLock()

    NvMediaStatus NvMediaTensorLock ( NvMediaTensor tensor,
    NvMediaTensorLockAccess  lockAccessType,
    NvMediaTensorSurfaceMap surfaceMap 

    Locks a tensor and returns the associated mapped pointers pointing to the tensor surface data.

    The CPU can only access tensors created with the NVM_TENSOR_ATTR_CPU_ACCESS_UNCACHED or NVM_TENSOR_ATTR_CPU_ACCESS_CACHED attributes.

    If a tensor is currently in use by an internal engine, this function waits until the operation completes.

    [in]tensorA pointer to the tensor object.
    Input range: A valid, non-null pointer to NvMediaTensor.
    [in]lockAccessTypeSpecifies the NvMediaTensorLockAccess type.
    Input range: Any enum value defined by NvMediaTensorLockAccess.
    [out]surfaceMapA pointer to the surface descriptors.
    Input range: A valid, non-null pointer to NvMediaTensorSurfaceMap.
    NvMediaStatus The completion status of the operation:
    Return values
    NVMEDIA_STATUS_OKif the function is successful.
    NVMEDIA_STATUS_BAD_PARAMETERif any of the arguments are NULL or invalid.
    NVMEDIA_STATUS_TIMEOUTif the wait on the tensor timed out.
    NVMEDIA_STATUS_ERRORif an error occurred.
    NVMEDIA_STATUS_INVALID_STATEif the API is triggered in the DRIVEOS state that is not allowed as per the API Group.
    • tensor must not be already locked

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Re-entrant: No
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: No
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: No

    ◆ NvMediaTensorUnlock()

    void NvMediaTensorUnlock ( NvMediaTensor tensor)

    Unlocks a tensor.

    Releases the lock applied on NvMediaTensor using NvMediaTensorLock.

    [in]tensorThe tensor object to unlock.
    Input range: A valid, non-null pointer to NvMediaTensor.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Re-entrant: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: No
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: No
    #define NVM_TENSOR_SET_ATTR_4D(attr, N, C, H, W, order, datatype, bpe, accesstype, alloctype, X)
    A helper macro to set 4-D tensor creation attributes.
    Definition: nvmedia_tensor.h:228
    Defines the maximum number of tensor creation attributes.
    Definition: nvmedia_tensor.h:118
    Holds tensor creation attributes.
    Definition: nvmedia_tensor.h:155