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  • NVIDIA DRIVE OS Linux SDK API Reference

    6.0.9 Release
    All Data Structures Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Macros Modules Pages

    Detailed Description


    Defines and manages objects that decode video.

    The NvMediaIDE object decodes compressed video data, writing the results to a target

    A specific NvMedia implementation may support decoding multiple types of compressed video data. However, NvMediaIDE objects are able to decode a specific type of compressed video data. This type must be specified during creation.


     Data types for AV1 Decoding
     Data types for H.264 Decoding
     Data types for H.265 Decoding
     Data types for MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Decoding
     Data types for MPEG4 Part 2 Decoding
     Data types for VC1 Decoding
     Data types for VP8 Decoding
     Data types for VP9 Decoding
     Decoder Creation Flag
     Defines decoder flag bit masks for constructing the decoder.
     Image Decoder: Common Types


     Major Version number. More...
     Minor Version number. More...
     Patch Version number. More...
     Specifies the maximum number of times NvMediaIDEInsertPreNvSciSyncFence() can be called before each call to NvMediaIDEFeedFrame(). More...


    typedef struct NvMediaIDE NvMediaIDE
     An opaque NvMediaIDE object created by NvMediaIDECreate. More...


    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEGetVersion (NvMediaVersion *version)
     Retrieves the version information for the NvMediaIDE library. More...
    NvMediaIDENvMediaIDECreate (NvMediaVideoCodec codec, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint16_t maxReferences, uint64_t maxBitstreamSize, uint8_t inputBuffering, uint32_t flags, NvMediaDecoderInstanceId instanceId)
     Creates an NvMediaIDE object. More...
    NvMediaIDENvMediaIDECreateCtx (void)
     Create an NvMediaIDE object instance. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEInit (NvMediaIDE *decoder, NvMediaVideoCodec codec, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint16_t maxReferences, uint64_t maxBitstreamSize, uint8_t inputBuffering, uint32_t flags, NvMediaDecoderInstanceId instanceId)
     Initialize an NvMediaIDE object instance. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEDestroy (const NvMediaIDE *decoder)
     Destroys an NvMediaIDE object. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDERegisterNvSciBufObj (NvMediaIDE *decoder, NvSciBufObj bufObj)
     Registers an NvSciBufObj for use with an NvMediaIde handle. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEUnregisterNvSciBufObj (const NvMediaIDE *decoder, NvSciBufObj bufObj)
     Un-registers NvSciBufObj which was previously registered with NvMediaIde using NvMediaIDERegisterNvSciBufObj(). More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEDecoderRender (const NvMediaIDE *decoder, NvSciBufObj target, const NvMediaPictureInfo *pictureInfo, const void *encryptParams, uint32_t numBitstreamBuffers, const NvMediaBitstreamBuffer *bitstreams, NvMediaIDEFrameStats *FrameStatsDump, NvMediaDecoderInstanceId instanceId)
     Decodes a compressed field/frame and render the result into a target. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDESliceDecode (const NvMediaIDE *decoder, const NvSciBufObj target, const NvMediaSliceDecodeData *sliceDecData)
     This function is intended for use in low-latency decode mode. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEGetFrameDecodeStatus (const NvMediaIDE *decoder, uint32_t ringEntryIdx, NvMediaIDEFrameStatus *FrameStatus)
     Retrieves the HW decode status available. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEFillNvSciBufAttrList (NvMediaDecoderInstanceId instanceId, NvSciBufAttrList attrlist)
     Fills the NvMediaIDE specific NvSciBuf attributes which than then be used to allocate an NvSciBufObj that NvMediaIDE can consume. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEFillNvSciSyncAttrList (const NvMediaIDE *decoder, NvSciSyncAttrList attrlist, NvMediaNvSciSyncClientType clienttype)
     Fills the NvMediaIDE specific NvSciSync attributes. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEGetBackwardUpdates (const NvMediaIDE *decoder, void *backupdates)
     NvMediaIDE get backward updates counters for VP9 adaptive entropy contexts. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDERegisterNvSciSyncObj (const NvMediaIDE *decoder, NvMediaNvSciSyncObjType syncobjtype, NvSciSyncObj nvscisync)
     Registers an NvSciSyncObj with NvMediaIDE. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEUnregisterNvSciSyncObj (const NvMediaIDE *decoder, NvSciSyncObj nvscisync)
     Unregisters an NvSciSyncObj with NvMediaIDE. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDESetNvSciSyncObjforEOF (const NvMediaIDE *decoder, NvSciSyncObj nvscisyncEOF)
     Specifies the NvSciSyncObj to be used for an EOF NvSciSyncFence. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEInsertPreNvSciSyncFence (const NvMediaIDE *decoder, const NvSciSyncFence *prenvscisyncfence)
     Sets an NvSciSyncFence as a prefence for an NvMediaIDERender() NvSciSyncFence operation. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEGetEOFNvSciSyncFence (const NvMediaIDE *decoder, NvSciSyncObj eofnvscisyncobj, NvSciSyncFence *eofnvscisyncfence)
     Gets EOF NvSciSyncFence for an NvMediaIDERender() operation. More...

    Macro Definition Documentation



    Specifies the maximum number of times NvMediaIDEInsertPreNvSciSyncFence() can be called before each call to NvMediaIDEFeedFrame().

    Definition at line 62 of file nvmedia_ide.h.



    Major Version number.

    Definition at line 52 of file nvmedia_ide.h.



    Minor Version number.

    Definition at line 54 of file nvmedia_ide.h.



    Patch Version number.

    Definition at line 56 of file nvmedia_ide.h.

    Typedef Documentation

    ◆ NvMediaIDE

    typedef struct NvMediaIDE NvMediaIDE

    An opaque NvMediaIDE object created by NvMediaIDECreate.

    Definition at line 70 of file nvmedia_ide.h.

    Function Documentation

    ◆ NvMediaIDECreate()

    NvMediaIDE* NvMediaIDECreate ( NvMediaVideoCodec  codec,
    uint16_t  width,
    uint16_t  height,
    uint16_t  maxReferences,
    uint64_t  maxBitstreamSize,
    uint8_t  inputBuffering,
    uint32_t  flags,
    NvMediaDecoderInstanceId  instanceId 

    Creates an NvMediaIDE object.

    Creates a NvMediaIDE object for the specified codec. Each decoder object may be accessed by a separate thread. The object must be destroyed with NvMediaIDEDestroy().

    NvMediaIDE object is created.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Re-entrant: No
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: No
    [in]codecCodec type. The following types are supported:
    [in]widthDecoder width in luminance pixels.
    [in]heightDecoder height in luminance pixels.
    [in]maxReferencesThe maximum number of reference frames used. This limits internal allocations.
    [in]maxBitstreamSizeThe maximum size for bitstream. This limits internal allocations.
    [in]inputBufferingHow many frames can be in flight at any given time. If this value is 1, NvMediaIDERender() blocks until the previous frame has finished decoding. If this is 2, NvMediaIDERender blocks if two frames are pending but does not block if one is pending. This value is clamped internally to between 1 and 8.
    [in]flagsSet the flags of the decoder. The following flags are supported:
    [in]instanceIdThe ID of the engine instance. The following instances are supported:
    NvMediaIDE The created NvMediaIDE handle or NULL if unsuccessful.

    ◆ NvMediaIDECreateCtx()

    NvMediaIDE* NvMediaIDECreateCtx ( void  )

    Create an NvMediaIDE object instance.

    NvMediaIDENvSciSyncGetVersion() [for use with IMGDEC-NvSciSync APIs]
    NvMediaIDE object is created

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Re-entrant: No
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: No
    NvMediaIDE The created NvMediaIDE handle or NULL if unsuccessful.

    ◆ NvMediaIDEDecoderRender()

    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEDecoderRender ( const NvMediaIDE decoder,
    NvSciBufObj  target,
    const NvMediaPictureInfo pictureInfo,
    const void *  encryptParams,
    uint32_t  numBitstreamBuffers,
    const NvMediaBitstreamBuffer bitstreams,
    NvMediaIDEFrameStats FrameStatsDump,
    NvMediaDecoderInstanceId  instanceId 

    Decodes a compressed field/frame and render the result into a target.

    Decoding task is submitted

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes, with the following conditions
        • Every thread should be invoked with relevant NvMediaIDE object.
      • Re-entrant: No
      • Async/Sync: Async
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: No
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: No
    [in]decoderThe decoder object that will perform the decode operation.
    [in]targetNvSciBufObj that contains the decoded content, allocated with a call to NvSciBufObjAlloc. characterizes the output surface into which the Decoded output is obtained
    Supported surface format attributes (common to all codecs):
    For content with bitdepth 10/12 Bit the output is MSB Aligned Non-safety build:
    H.264, MPEG2, MPEG4, VP8, VC1:
    Sub-sampling type: YUV420, (Block Linear semi-planar)
    Bit Depth: 8
    Sub-sampling type: YUV420, YUV444 (Block Linear semi-planar)
    Bit Depth: 8, 10, 12
    Sub-sampling type: YUV420, (Block Linear semi-planar)
    Bit Depth: 8, 10, 12
    AV1: [Supported only on T234 and further chips]
    Sub-sampling type: YUV420, (Block Linear semi-planar)
    Bit Depth: 8, 10
    [in]pictureInfoA (pointer to a) structure containing information about the picture to be decoded. Note that the appropriate type of NvMediaPictureInfo* structure must be provided to match to profile that the decoder was created for.
    [in]encryptParamsA (pointer to a) structure containing information about encryption parameter used to decrypt the video content on the fly.
    [in]numBitstreamBuffersThe number of bitstream buffers containing compressed data for this picture.
    [in]bitstreamsAn array of bitstream buffers.
    [out]FrameStatsDumpA (pointer to a) structure containing frame coding specific informations. This includes frame type, motion vector dumps,macroblock types and other details.
    [in]instanceIdThe ID of the engine instance. The following instances are supported if NVMEDIA_DECODER_INSTANCE_AUTO was used in NvMediaIDECreate API, else this parameter is ignored:
    NvMediaStatus The completion status of the operation. Possible values are:

    ◆ NvMediaIDEDestroy()

    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEDestroy ( const NvMediaIDE decoder)

    Destroys an NvMediaIDE object.

    [in]decoderThe decoder to be destroyed.
    NvMediaIDE object is destroyed

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes, with the following conditions
        • Every thread should be invoked with relevant NvMediaIDE object.
      • Re-entrant: No
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: No
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: Yes

    ◆ NvMediaIDEFillNvSciBufAttrList()

    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEFillNvSciBufAttrList ( NvMediaDecoderInstanceId  instanceId,
    NvSciBufAttrList  attrlist 

    Fills the NvMediaIDE specific NvSciBuf attributes which than then be used to allocate an NvSciBufObj that NvMediaIDE can consume.

    This function updates the input NvSciBufAttrList with values equivalent to the following public attribute key-values: NvSciBufGeneralAttrKey_PeerHwEngineArray set to

    • NvSciBufHwEngName: NvSciBufHwEngName_NVDEC
    • NvSciBufPlatformName: The platform this API is used on

    This function assumes that attrlist is a valid NvSciBufAttrList created by the caller by a call to NvSciBufAttrListCreate.

    NvSciBufAttrList populated with NvMediaIDE specific NvSciBuf attributes. The caller can then set attributes specific to the type of surface, reconcile attribute lists and allocate an NvSciBufObj.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Re-entrant: No
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: No
    [in]instanceIdThe ID of the engine instance.
    Input range: The following instances are supported:
    [out]attrlistAn NvSciBufAttrList where NvMediaIDE places the NvSciBuf attributes.
    NvMediaStatus The status of the operation. Possible values are:

    ◆ NvMediaIDEFillNvSciSyncAttrList()

    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEFillNvSciSyncAttrList ( const NvMediaIDE decoder,
    NvSciSyncAttrList  attrlist,
    NvMediaNvSciSyncClientType  clienttype 

    Fills the NvMediaIDE specific NvSciSync attributes.

    This function assumes that attrlist is a valid NvSciSyncAttrList.

    This function updates the input NvSciSyncAttrList with values equivalent to the following public attribute key-values: NvSciSyncAttrKey_RequiredPerm set to

    • NvSciSyncAccessPerm_WaitOnly for clienttype NVMEDIA_WAITER
    • NvSciSyncAccessPerm_SignalOnly for clienttype NVMEDIA_SIGNALER
    • NvSciSyncAccessPerm_WaitSignal for clienttype NVMEDIA_SIGNALER_WAITER NvSciSyncAttrKey_PrimitiveInfo set to
    • NvSciSyncAttrValPrimitiveType_Syncpoint

    The application must not set these attributes in the NvSciSyncAttrList passed as an input to this function.

    NvSciSyncAttrList populated with NvMediaIDE specific NvSciSync attributes

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes, with the following conditions
        • Every thread should be invoked with relevant NvMediaIDE object.
      • Re-entrant: No
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: No

    @noteThis API is mandatory when multiple engines are pipelined in order to achieve synchronization between the engines

    [in]decoderA pointer to the NvMediaIDE object.
    Input range: Non-NULL - valid pointer address
    [out]attrlistA pointer to an NvSciSyncAttrList structure where NvMedia places NvSciSync attributes.
    [in]clienttypeIndicates whether the NvSciSyncAttrList requested for an NvMediaIDE signaler or an NvMediaIDE waiter.
    Input range: Entries in NvMediaNvSciSyncClientType enumeration
    NvMediaStatus The status of the operation. Possible values are:

    ◆ NvMediaIDEGetBackwardUpdates()

    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEGetBackwardUpdates ( const NvMediaIDE decoder,
    void *  backupdates 

    NvMediaIDE get backward updates counters for VP9 adaptive entropy contexts.

    NvMediaIDECreate() and only for VP9
    Updates VP9 Entropy context.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes, with the following conditions
        • Every thread should be invoked with relevant NvMediaIDE object.
      • Re-entrant: No
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: No
    [in]decoderA pointer to the decoder object that performs the decoding operation.
    [in]backupdatesA pointer to a structure that holds the backward update counters.

    ◆ NvMediaIDEGetEOFNvSciSyncFence()

    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEGetEOFNvSciSyncFence ( const NvMediaIDE decoder,
    NvSciSyncObj  eofnvscisyncobj,
    NvSciSyncFence eofnvscisyncfence 

    Gets EOF NvSciSyncFence for an NvMediaIDERender() operation.

    The EOF NvSciSyncFence associated with an NvMediaIDERender() operation is an NvSciSyncFence. Its expiry indicates that the corresponding NvMediaIDERender() operation has finished.

    This function returns the EOF NvSciSyncFence associated with the last NvMediaIDERender() call. NvMediaIDEGetEOFNvSciSyncFence() must be called after an NvMediaIDERender() call.

    For example, in this sequence of code:

    nvmstatus = NvMediaIDERender(handle, srcsurf, srcrect, picparams, instanceid);
    nvmstatus = NvMediaIDEGetEOFNvSciSyncFence(handle, nvscisyncEOF, eofnvscisyncfence);

    expiry of eofnvscisyncfence indicates that the preceding NvMediaIDERender() operation has finished.

    EOF NvSciSync fence for a submitted task is obtained

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes, with the following conditions
        • Every thread should be invoked with relevant NvMediaIDE object.
      • Re-entrant: No
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: No
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: No

    @noteThis API is mandatory when multiple engines are pipelined in order to achieve synchronization between the engines

    [in]decoderA pointer to the NvMediaIDE object.
    Input range: Non-NULL - valid pointer address
    [in]eofnvscisyncobjAn EOF NvSciSyncObj associated with the NvSciSyncFence which is being requested.
    Input range: A valid NvSciSyncObj
    [out]eofnvscisyncfenceA pointer to the EOF NvSciSyncFence.
    NvMediaStatus The status of the operation. Possible values are:

    ◆ NvMediaIDEGetFrameDecodeStatus()

    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEGetFrameDecodeStatus ( const NvMediaIDE decoder,
    uint32_t  ringEntryIdx,
    NvMediaIDEFrameStatus FrameStatus 

    Retrieves the HW decode status available.

    This is to be used to get the decoding status. If application does not need decoding status then no need to call this function. This function should be called in decode order once decode is complete for target surface. This can be called from separate thread in decode order before the same index getting used. Syncronization can be acheived for NvMediaIDERender and NvMediaIDEGetFrameDecodeStatus using Semaphore. Semaphore can be signalled at the begining with inputBuffering times. Then client can wait on Semaphore before every NvMediaIDERender This Semaphore will be signalled from thread after calling NvMediaIDEGetFrameDecodeStatus for frame in decode order. For example: if inputBuffering is 3 when creating decoder using NvMediaIDECreate then following sequence should be followed. NvMediaIDERender(DecodeOrder:0) : ringEntryIdx=0 NvMediaIDERender(DecodeOrder:1) : ringEntryIdx=1 NvMediaIDERender(DecodeOrder:2) : ringEntryIdx=2 NvMediaIDEGetFrameDecodeStatus(0) NvMediaIDERender() : ringEntryIdx=0 NvMediaIDEGetFrameDecodeStatus(1) NvMediaIDERender() : ringEntryIdx=1 NvMediaIDEGetFrameDecodeStatus(2) NvMediaIDERender() : ringEntryIdx=2 NvMediaIDEGetFrameDecodeStatus(0) Another example could be like this for above case NvMediaIDERender(DecodeOrder:0) : ringEntryIdx=0 NvMediaIDERender(DecodeOrder:1) : ringEntryIdx=1 NvMediaIDEGetFrameDecodeStatus(0) NvMediaIDERender(DecodeOrder:2) : ringEntryIdx=2 NvMediaIDEGetFrameDecodeStatus(1) NvMediaIDERender() : ringEntryIdx=0 NvMediaIDERender() : ringEntryIdx=1 NvMediaIDEGetFrameDecodeStatus(2) NvMediaIDERender() : ringEntryIdx=2 NvMediaIDEGetFrameDecodeStatus(0)

    Decoding task status is returned.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes, with the following conditions
        • Every thread should be invoked with relevant NvMediaIDE object.
      • Re-entrant: No
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: No
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: No
    [in]decoderThe decoder object that will perform the decode operation.
    [in]ringEntryIdxThis is decoder order index. decode operation.
    [out]FrameStatusA pointer to NvMediaIDEFrameStatus structure which will store current decoded frame status.
    NvMediaStatus The completion status of the operation. Possible values are:

    ◆ NvMediaIDEGetVersion()

    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEGetVersion ( NvMediaVersion version)

    Retrieves the version information for the NvMediaIDE library.


    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Re-entrant: No
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: No
    [in]versionA pointer to a NvMediaVersion structure of the client.
    NvMediaStatus The status of the operation. Possible values are:

    ◆ NvMediaIDEInit()

    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEInit ( NvMediaIDE decoder,
    NvMediaVideoCodec  codec,
    uint16_t  width,
    uint16_t  height,
    uint16_t  maxReferences,
    uint64_t  maxBitstreamSize,
    uint8_t  inputBuffering,
    uint32_t  flags,
    NvMediaDecoderInstanceId  instanceId 

    Initialize an NvMediaIDE object instance.

    NvMediaIDE object is initialized.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes, with the following conditions
        • Every thread should be invoked with relevant NvMediaIDE object.
      • Re-entrant: No
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: No

    Initializes a NvMediaIDE object for the specified codec. Each decoder object may be accessed by a separate thread. The object must be destroyed with NvMediaIDEDestroy().

    [in]decoderThe decoder to use.
    [in]codecCodec type. The following types are supported:
    [in]widthDecoder width in luminance pixels.
    [in]heightDecoder height in luminance pixels.
    [in]maxReferencesThe maximum number of reference frames used. This limits internal allocations.
    [in]maxBitstreamSizeThe maximum size for bitstream. This limits internal allocations.
    [in]inputBufferingHow many frames can be in flight at any given time. If this value is 1, NvMediaIDERender() blocks until the previous frame has finished decoding. If this is 2, NvMediaIDERender blocks if two frames are pending but does not block if one is pending. This value is clamped internally to between 1 and 8.
    [in]flagsSet the flags of the decoder. The following flags are supported:
    [in]instanceIdThe ID of the engine instance. The following instances are supported:

    ◆ NvMediaIDEInsertPreNvSciSyncFence()

    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEInsertPreNvSciSyncFence ( const NvMediaIDE decoder,
    const NvSciSyncFence prenvscisyncfence 

    Sets an NvSciSyncFence as a prefence for an NvMediaIDERender() NvSciSyncFence operation.

    You must call NvMediaIDEInsertPreNvSciSyncFence() before you call NvMediaIDERender(). The NvMediaIDERender() operation is started only after the expiry of the prenvscisyncfence.

    For example, in this sequence of code:

    nvmstatus = NvMediaIDEInsertPreNvSciSyncFence(handle, prenvscisyncfence);
    nvmstatus = NvMediaIDERender(handle, srcsurf, srcrect, picparams, instanceid);

    the NvMediaIDERender() operation is assured to start only after the expiry of prenvscisyncfence.

    You can set a maximum of NVMEDIA_IDE_MAX_PRENVSCISYNCFENCES prefences by calling NvMediaIDEInsertPreNvSciSyncFence() before NvMediaIDERender(). After the call to NvMediaIDERender(), all NvSciSyncFences previously inserted by NvMediaIDEInsertPreNvSciSyncFence() are removed, and they are not reused for the subsequent NvMediaIDERender() calls.

    Pre-NvSciSync fence obtained from previous engine in the pipeline
    Pre-NvSciSync fence is set

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes, with the following conditions
        • Every thread should be invoked with relevant NvMediaIDE object.
      • Re-entrant: No
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: No
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: No

    @noteThis API is mandatory when multiple engines are pipelined in order to achieve synchronization between the engines

    [in]decoderA pointer to the NvMediaIDE object.
    Input range: Non-NULL - valid pointer address
    [in]prenvscisyncfenceA pointer to NvSciSyncFence.
    Input range: Non-NULL - valid pointer address
    NvMediaStatus The status of the operation. Possible values are:

    ◆ NvMediaIDERegisterNvSciBufObj()

    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDERegisterNvSciBufObj ( NvMediaIDE decoder,
    NvSciBufObj  bufObj 

    Registers an NvSciBufObj for use with an NvMediaIde handle.

    The NvMediaIde handle maintains a record of all the bufObjs registered using this API.

    This is a optional API which needs to be called before NvMediaIDEProcessFrame()
    All NvMediaIDENvSciBufRegister() API calls must be made before first NvMediaIDEProcessFrame() API call. Registration of the buffer is done with the same access permission as that of the NvSciBufObj being registered. NvSciBufObj that need to be registered with a reduced permission (Eg: Input buffer accesses being set to read-only) can be done so by first duplicating the NvSciBufObj using NvSciBufObjDupWithReducePerm() followed by a call the register the duplicated NvSciBufObj.

    Maximum of 192 NvSciBufObj handles can be registered using NvMediaIDERegisterNvSciSyncObj() API.

    NvSciBufObj is registered with NvMediaIde object

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes, with the following conditions
        • Every thread should be invoked with relevant NvMediaIde object.
      • Re-entrant: No
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: No
    [in]decoderNvMediaIde handle.
    Input range: Non-NULL - valid pointer address
    [in]bufObjAn NvSciBufObj object.
    Input range: A valid NvSciBufObj
    NvMediaStatus, the completion status of operation:

    ◆ NvMediaIDERegisterNvSciSyncObj()

    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDERegisterNvSciSyncObj ( const NvMediaIDE decoder,
    NvMediaNvSciSyncObjType  syncobjtype,
    NvSciSyncObj  nvscisync 

    Registers an NvSciSyncObj with NvMediaIDE.

    Every NvSciSyncObj (even duplicate objects) used by NvMediaIDE must be registered by a call to this function before it is used. Only the exact same registered NvSciSyncObj can be passed to NvMediaIDESetNvSciSyncObjforEOF(), NvMediaIDEGetEOFNvSciSyncFence(), or NvMediaIDEUnregisterNvSciSyncObj().

    For a given NvMediaIDE handle, one NvSciSyncObj can be registered as one NvMediaNvSciSyncObjType only. For each NvMediaNvSciSyncObjType, a maximum of 16 NvSciSyncObjs can be registered.

    NvSciSyncObj registered with NvMediaIDE

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes, with the following conditions
        • Every thread should be invoked with relevant NvMediaIDE object.
      • Re-entrant: No
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: No

    @noteThis API is mandatory when multiple engines are pipelined in order to achieve synchronization between the engines

    [in]decoderA pointer to the NvMediaIDE object.
    Input range: Non-NULL - valid pointer address
    [in]syncobjtypeDetermines how nvscisync is used by decoder.
    Input range: Entries in NvMediaNvSciSyncObjType enumeration
    [in]nvscisyncThe NvSciSyncObj to be registered with decoder.
    Input range: A valid NvSciSyncObj
    NvMediaStatus The status of the operation. Possible values are:

    ◆ NvMediaIDESetNvSciSyncObjforEOF()

    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDESetNvSciSyncObjforEOF ( const NvMediaIDE decoder,
    NvSciSyncObj  nvscisyncEOF 

    Specifies the NvSciSyncObj to be used for an EOF NvSciSyncFence.

    To use NvMediaIDEGetEOFNvSciSyncFence(), the application must call NvMediaIDESetNvSciSyncObjforEOF() before it calls NvMediaIDERender().

    NvMediaIDESetNvSciSyncObjforEOF() currently may be called only once before each call to NvMediaIDERender(). The application may choose to call this function only once before the first call to NvMediaIDERender().

    NvSciSyncObj to be used as EOF NvSciSyncFence is set

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes, with the following conditions
        • Every thread should be invoked with relevant NvMediaIDE object.
      • Re-entrant: No
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: No
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: No

    @noteThis API is mandatory when multiple engines are pipelined in order to achieve synchronization between the engines

    [in]decoderA pointer to the NvMediaIDE object.
    Input range: Non-NULL - valid pointer address
    [in]nvscisyncEOFA registered NvSciSyncObj which is to be associated with EOF NvSciSyncFence.
    Input range: A valid NvSciSyncObj
    NvMediaStatus The status of the operation. Possible values are:

    ◆ NvMediaIDESliceDecode()

    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDESliceDecode ( const NvMediaIDE decoder,
    const NvSciBufObj  target,
    const NvMediaSliceDecodeData sliceDecData 

    This function is intended for use in low-latency decode mode.

    It is implemented only for H265 decoder. Error will be returned if it is called for any other codec.

    Each set of buffers should contain exactly 1 slice data. For first slice of every frame, NvMediaIDERender() function should be called. NvMediaIDESliceDecode() function should be called for all subsequent slices of the frame.

    Note that the ucode expects next slice data to be available within certain time (= 100msec). If data is not available within this time, it is assumed that the data is lost and error-concealment may be performed on the remaining portion of the frame.

    Decoding task is submitted

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes, with the following conditions
        • Every thread should be invoked with relevant NvMediaIDE object.
      • Re-entrant: No
      • Async/Sync: Async
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: No
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: No
    [in]decoderThe decoder object that will perform the decode operation.
    [in]targetNvSciBufObj that contains the decoded content, allocated with a call to NvSciBufObjAlloc.
    [in]sliceDecDataSliceDecode data info.
    NvMediaStatus The completion status of the operation. Possible values are:

    ◆ NvMediaIDEUnregisterNvSciBufObj()

    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEUnregisterNvSciBufObj ( const NvMediaIDE decoder,
    NvSciBufObj  bufObj 

    Un-registers NvSciBufObj which was previously registered with NvMediaIde using NvMediaIDERegisterNvSciBufObj().

    For all NvSciBufObj handles registered with NvMediaIde using NvMediaIDERegisterNvSciBufObj() API, NvMediaIDEUnregisterNvSciBufObj() must be called before calling NvMediaIDEDestroy() API. For unregistration to succeed, it should be ensured that none of the submitted tasks on the bufObj are pending prior to calling NvMediaIDEUnregisterNvSciBufObj(). In order to ensure this, NvMediaIDEUnregisterNvSciSyncObj() should be called prior to this API on all registered NvSciSyncObj. Post this NvMediaIDEUnregisterNvSciBufObj() can be successfully called on a valid NvSciBufObj.

    For deterministic execution of NvMediaIDEProcessFrame() API, NvMediaIDEUnregisterNvSciBufObj() must be called only after last NvMediaIDEProcessFrame() call.

    NvMediaIDEUnregisterNvSciSyncObj() [verify that processing is complete]
    NvSciBufObj is un-registered from NvMediaIde object

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes, with the following conditions
        • Every thread should be invoked with relevant NvMediaIde object.
      • Re-entrant: No
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: No
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: Yes
    [in]decoderNvMediaIde handle.
    Input range: Non-NULL - valid pointer address
    [in]bufObjAn NvSciBufObj object.
    Input range: A valid NvSciBufObj
    NvMediaStatus, the completion status of operation:
    • NVMEDIA_STATUS_OK if successful.
    • NVMEDIA_STATUS_BAD_PARAMETER if ofa or bufObj is invalid NvMediaIDERegisterNvSciBufObj() API.
    • NVMEDIA_STATUS_ERROR in following cases:
      • User unregisters an NvSciBufObj which is not previously registered using NvMediaIDERegisterNvSciBufObj() API.
      • User unregisters an NvSciBufObj multiple times.

    ◆ NvMediaIDEUnregisterNvSciSyncObj()

    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEUnregisterNvSciSyncObj ( const NvMediaIDE decoder,
    NvSciSyncObj  nvscisync 

    Unregisters an NvSciSyncObj with NvMediaIDE.

    Every NvSciSyncObj registered with NvMediaIDE by NvMediaIDERegisterNvSciSyncObj() must be unregistered before calling NvMediaIDEUnregisterNvSciBufObj() to unregister the NvSciBufObjs.

    Before the application calls this function, it must ensure that any NvMediaIDERender() operation that uses the NvSciSyncObj has completed. If this function is called while NvSciSyncObj is still in use by any NvMediaIDERender() operation, the API returns NVMEDIA_STATUS_PENDING to indicate the same. NvSciSyncFenceWait() API can be called on the EOF NvSciSyncFence obtained post the last call to NvMediaIDERender() to wait for the associated tasks to complete. The EOF NvSciSyncFence would have been previously obtained via a call to NvMediaIDEGetEOFNvSciSyncFence(). The other option would be to call NvMediaIDEGetBits() till there is no more output to retrieve.

    NvMediaIDEGetBits() or NvSciSyncFenceWait() [verify that processing is complete]
    NvSciSyncObj un-registered with NvMediaIDE

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt handler: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes, with the following conditions
        • Every thread should be invoked with relevant NvMediaIDE object.
      • Re-entrant: No
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required privileges: None
    • API group
      • Init: No
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: Yes

    @noteThis API is mandatory when multiple engines are pipelined in order to achieve synchronization between the engines

    [in]decoderA pointer to the NvMediaIDE object.
    Input range: Non-NULL - valid pointer address
    [in]nvscisyncAn NvSciSyncObj to be unregistered with decoder.
    Input range: A valid NvSciSyncObj
    NvMediaStatus The status of the operation. Possible values are:
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEInsertPreNvSciSyncFence(const NvMediaIDE *decoder, const NvSciSyncFence *prenvscisyncfence)
    Sets an NvSciSyncFence as a prefence for an NvMediaIDERender() NvSciSyncFence operation.
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIDEGetEOFNvSciSyncFence(const NvMediaIDE *decoder, NvSciSyncObj eofnvscisyncobj, NvSciSyncFence *eofnvscisyncfence)
    Gets EOF NvSciSyncFence for an NvMediaIDERender() operation.