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  • NVIDIA DRIVE OS Linux SDK API Reference

    6.0.9 Release
    All Data Structures Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Macros Modules Pages

    Detailed Description

    The NvSciIpc library provides interfaces for any two entities in a system to communicate with each other irrespective of where they are placed. Entities can be in:

    Each of these different boundaries will be abstracted by a library providing unified communication (Read/Write) APIs to entities. The communication consists of two bi-directional send/receive queues.

    When Init operation group APIs are used, the user should call them in the following order, with or without NvSciEventService.

    Typical call flow with NvSciIpc library

    1) Init mode

    2) Runtime mode (loop)

    3) De-Init mode

    Typical call flow with NvSciIpc and NvSciEventService library

    NvSciEventService provides APIs that replace OS-specific event-blocking API. They are only compatible with an endpoint which is opened with NvSciOpenEndpointWithEventService().

    1) Init mode

    2) Runtime mode (loop)

    3) De-Init mode

    Using multi-threading in NvSciIpc - QNX OS

    For Inter-VM and Inter-Process backend applications on QNX OS, only a single event-blocking OS API (i.e. NvSciIpcWaitEventQnx(), NvSciEventLoopService::WaitForEvent()) is allowed per endpoint in the same process boundary. If a client application tries to use receiving and sending thread separately for the same endpoint handle, the event-blocking OS APIs must be used in a single thread in order to receive remote notification. Once a remote notification arrives in the thread, the notification should be forwarded to the other thread using the same endpoint handle through any OS synchronization method (e.g. sem_post, pthread_cond_signal or MsgSendPulse etc.) Single thread usage is recommended to handle both TX and RX data.

    Configuring thread pool of resource manager - QNX OS

    NvSciIpc resource manager (io-nvsciipc) uses thread pool to manage concurrent request from multiple NvSciIpc client processes using NvSciIpc library. io-nvsciipc is used during opening endpoint. Drive OS users should evaluate thread pool capacity of io-nvsciipc then configure them with -t option in startup script. Thread pool capacity for NvSciIPC can be evaluated based on number of parallel outstanding NvSciIPC requests, at any point of time, that are expected in the system. Default value of thread pool capacity is 10.

    Getting events before using Read/Write NvSciIpc API

    Before using any Read/Write APIs, the user must check if NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_READ or NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_WRITE event is available through NvSciIpcGetEvent(). NvSciIpcGetEvent() has additional support to establish connection between two endpoint software entities.

    When to use blocking API

    Users of NvSciIpc must call OS event-blocking API to wait for an event when NvSciIpcGetEvent() does not return desired events. The following are OS event-blocking API examples:

    If user process needs to wait for events from multiple remote NvSciIpc endpoint processes, use single blocking call from single thread instead of using blocking call per endpoint thread. This is recommended to improve performance by avoiding thread creation per endpoint. NvSciEventLoopService::WaitForMultipleEvents() blocking call is suitable for this use case.

    How to check if peer endpoint entity receives a message

    NvSciIpc library does not provide information about whether a peer endpoint entity receives all sent messages from a local endpoint entity. If such a mechanism is required, the client user should implement separate message acknowledgment in the application layer.

    Checksum for data integrity

    NvSciIpc does not provide checksum for data to be transferred or check for data integrity error. If such a mechanism is required, the client user should implement checksum processing routine for data.

    Recommended Read/Write APIs

    Using NvSciIpcReadSafe() and NvSciIpcWriteSafe() is recommended rather than following Read/Write APIs. See detail constraints of API in each function description.

    Provide valid buffer pointers

    The user of NvSciIpc must provide valid buffer pointers to NvSciIpcReadSafe(), NvSciIpcWriteSafe() and other Read/Write NvSciIpc APIs as NvSciIpc library validation to these parameters is limited to a NULL pointer check.

    Maximum number of endpoints

    One NvSciIpc client process is allowed to open up to 500 endpoints. QNX NvSciIpc opens two device nodes in opening endpoint. QNX OS kernel supports 1024 100 open channels without disabling kernel preemption. User client needs one channel/connection pair to receive an endpoint notification.

    Concurrent read/write Client processes who want concurrent read and write operation on endpoints need to open two endpoints, one for read and the other for write operation. Read and write operation on different endpoint work exclusively without any external locking mechanism in multiple threads. Channel memory consumption will be doubled in using two endpoints.

    Use ChannelCreatePulsePool() - QNX OS

    In using legacy event handling (without NvSciEventService) on NvSciIpc, user has to create chid and coid using ChannelCreate_r() and ConnectAttach_r() before calling NvSciIpcSetQnxPulseParamSafe(). This ChannelCreate() uses global pulse message pool. If privileged and non-privileged processes use the same global pool, unprivileged processes can potentially interfere with privileged processes by receiving and not handling large numbers of pulses (thereby causing denial of service attack). So, ChannelCreatePulsePool() API is recommended to use fixed private pool of pulses instead of using ChannelCreate_r().

    struct nto_channel_config { struct sigevent event; // initialize using SIGEV_SEM_INIT() macro unsigned num_pulses; // threshold to trigger semaphore event unsigned rearm_threshold; // 0 ~ num_pulses unsigned options; // _NTO_CHO_CUSTOM_EVENT unsigned reserved[3]; }

    If you're experienced pulse pool shortage issue in normal operation, increase num_pulses by double of previous setting.

    More information can be found in QNX OS manual page.

    In order to detect IVC signalling storm, user needs to create separate thread to receive semaphore event which is set in nto_channel_config structure and call sem_wait() in that thread. NvSciIpcInspectEventQnx() API returns NvSciIpcEndpoint handle in which IVC signalling storm happens. User can decide post action (i.e. close endpoint, restart process, deinit NvSciIpc etc.) per system usecase scenario after detecting issue.

    Regarding fork() - QNX OS safety build

    NvSciIpc library depends on QNX_BSP::NvDVMS to check VM state restriction. Hence parent process should not use fork(). Instead, posix_spawn() should be used to spawn child process.

    Data Structures

    struct  NvSciIpcEndpointInfo
     Defines information about the NvSciIpc endpoint. More...


     Specifies maximum Endpoint name length including null terminator. More...
    #define NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_READ   0x01U
     Specifies the IPC read event. More...
    #define NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_WRITE   0x02U
     Specifies the IPC write event. More...
    #define NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_CONN_EST   0x04U
     Specifies the IPC connection established event. More...
    #define NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_CONN_RESET   0x08U
     Specifies the IPC connection reset event. More...
    #define NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_WRITE_EMPTY   0x10U
     Specifies the IPC write fifo empty event. More...
    #define NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_ASYNC_ERROR   0x20U
     Specifies the IPC asynchronous error event. More...
     Specifies single event mask to check IPC connection establishment. More...
     infinite timeout for NvSciIpcWaitEventQnx() More...
     Indicates there is eDMA error during PCIE operation. More...
     Indicates there is uncorrectable fatal error during PCIE operation. More...
     Indicates there is uncorrectable non fatal error during PCIE operation. More...
     Indicates there is validation error. More...


    typedef uint64_t NvSciIpcEndpoint
     Handle to the NvSciIpc endpoint. More...
    typedef struct NvSciIpcEndpointInfo NvSciIpcEndpointInfo


    NvSciError NvSciIpcInit (void)
     Initializes the NvSciIpc library. More...
    void NvSciIpcDeinit (void)
     De-initializes the NvSciIpc library. More...
    NvSciError NvSciIpcOpenEndpoint (const char *endpoint, NvSciIpcEndpoint *handle)
     Opens an endpoint with the given name. More...
    NvSciError NvSciIpcOpenEndpointWithEventService (const char *endpoint, NvSciIpcEndpoint *handle, NvSciEventService *eventService)
     Opens an endpoint with the given name and event service. More...
    NvSciError NvSciIpcGetEventNotifier (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, NvSciEventNotifier **eventNotifier)
     Get NvSciIpc event notifier. More...
    void NvSciIpcCloseEndpoint (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle)
     Closes an endpoint with the given handle. More...
    NvSciError NvSciIpcCloseEndpointSafe (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, bool clear)
     Closes an endpoint with the given handle (safety version) More...
    void NvSciIpcResetEndpoint (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle)
     Resets an endpoint. More...
    NvSciError NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle)
     Resets an endpoint. More...
    NvSciError NvSciIpcRead (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, void *buf, size_t size, int32_t *bytes)
     Reads a frame from the endpoint. More...
    NvSciError NvSciIpcReadSafe (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, void *buf, uint32_t size, uint32_t *bytes)
     Reads a frame from the endpoint (safety version) More...
    NvSciError NvSciIpcReadGetNextFrame (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, const volatile void **buf)
     Get a pointer to the read frame from the endpoint. More...
    NvSciError NvSciIpcReadAdvance (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle)
     Advance to the next read frame of the endpoint. More...
    NvSciError NvSciIpcWrite (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, const void *buf, size_t size, int32_t *bytes)
     Writes a frame to the endpoint. More...
    NvSciError NvSciIpcWriteSafe (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, const void *buf, uint32_t size, uint32_t *bytes)
     Writes a frame to the endpoint. More...
    NvSciError NvSciIpcWriteGetNextFrame (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, volatile void **buf)
     Get a pointer to the write frame from the endpoint. More...
    NvSciError NvSciIpcWriteAdvance (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle)
     Advance to the next write frame of the endpoint. More...
    NvSciError NvSciIpcGetEndpointInfo (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, NvSciIpcEndpointInfo *info)
     Returns endpoint information. More...
    NvSciError NvSciIpcGetLinuxEventFd (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, int32_t *fd)
     Returns the NvSciIpc file descriptor for a given endpoint. More...
    NvSciError NvSciIpcGetEvent (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, uint32_t *events)
     Get Events. More...
    NvSciError NvSciIpcGetEventSafe (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, uint32_t *events)
     Get Events (safety version) More...
    NvSciError NvSciIpcGetAsyncErrors (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, uint32_t *errors)
     Get asynchronouse errors. More...
    NvSciError NvSciIpcEnableNotification (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, bool flag)
     Enable event notification (or polling) More...
    NvSciError NvSciIpcCheckVersionCompatibility (uint32_t majorVer, uint32_t minorVer, bool *isCompatible)
     Check NvSciIpc library version compatibility. More...

    Macro Definition Documentation



    Indicates there is uncorrectable fatal error during PCIE operation.

    Definition at line 367 of file nvsciipc.h.



    Indicates there is uncorrectable non fatal error during PCIE operation.

    Definition at line 369 of file nvsciipc.h.



    Indicates there is eDMA error during PCIE operation.

    Definition at line 365 of file nvsciipc.h.



    Indicates there is validation error.

    Definition at line 371 of file nvsciipc.h.


    #define NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_ASYNC_ERROR   0x20U

    Specifies the IPC asynchronous error event.

    Definition at line 354 of file nvsciipc.h.


    #define NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_CONN_EST   0x04U

    Specifies the IPC connection established event.

    Definition at line 348 of file nvsciipc.h.



    Specifies single event mask to check IPC connection establishment.

    Definition at line 356 of file nvsciipc.h.


    #define NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_CONN_RESET   0x08U

    Specifies the IPC connection reset event.

    Definition at line 350 of file nvsciipc.h.


    #define NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_READ   0x01U

    Specifies the IPC read event.

    Definition at line 344 of file nvsciipc.h.


    #define NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_WRITE   0x02U

    Specifies the IPC write event.

    Definition at line 346 of file nvsciipc.h.


    #define NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_WRITE_EMPTY   0x10U

    Specifies the IPC write fifo empty event.

    Definition at line 352 of file nvsciipc.h.



    infinite timeout for NvSciIpcWaitEventQnx()

    Definition at line 361 of file nvsciipc.h.



    Specifies maximum Endpoint name length including null terminator.

    Definition at line 340 of file nvsciipc.h.

    Typedef Documentation

    ◆ NvSciIpcEndpoint

    typedef uint64_t NvSciIpcEndpoint

    Handle to the NvSciIpc endpoint.

    Definition at line 322 of file nvsciipc.h.

    ◆ NvSciIpcEndpointInfo

    Definition at line 324 of file nvsciipc.h.

    Function Documentation

    ◆ NvSciIpcCheckVersionCompatibility()

    NvSciError NvSciIpcCheckVersionCompatibility ( uint32_t  majorVer,
    uint32_t  minorVer,
    bool *  isCompatible 

    Check NvSciIpc library version compatibility.

    Checks if loaded NvSciIpc library version is compatible with the version the application was compiled against. This function checks loaded NvSciIpc library version with input NvSciIpc library version and sets output variable true provided major version of the loaded library is same as majorVer and minor version of the loaded library is not less than minorVer, else sets output to false

    [in]majorVerbuild major version.
    [in]minorVerbuild minor version.
    [out]isCompatibleboolean value stating if loaded NvSciIpc library is compatible or not.
    NvSciError, the completion code of the operation:

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges(QNX): None
    • API Group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: Yes

    ◆ NvSciIpcCloseEndpoint()

    void NvSciIpcCloseEndpoint ( NvSciIpcEndpoint  handle)

    Closes an endpoint with the given handle.

    This API is deprecated and returns without doing anything in safety build. Use NvSciIpcCloseEndpointSafe() instead of this.

    The function frees the NvSciIpc endpoint associated with the given handle.

    [in]handleA handle to the endpoint to close.
    Invocation of NvSciIpcOpenEndpoint() or NvSciIpcOpenEndpointWithEventService() must be successful.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges(QNX): None
    • API Group
      • Init: No
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: Yes

    ◆ NvSciIpcCloseEndpointSafe()

    NvSciError NvSciIpcCloseEndpointSafe ( NvSciIpcEndpoint  handle,
    bool  clear 

    Closes an endpoint with the given handle (safety version)

    The function frees the NvSciIpc endpoint associated with the given handle.

    This API can be called in Init mode to release resources in error handling or to test functionality.
    [in]handleA handle to the endpoint to close.
    [in]clearReserved for future use and any value has no change to the function behavior.
    NvSciError, the completion code of the operation:
    Invocation of NvSciIpcOpenEndpoint() or NvSciIpcOpenEndpointWithEventService() must be successful.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges: None
    • API Group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: Yes

    ◆ NvSciIpcDeinit()

    void NvSciIpcDeinit ( void  )

    De-initializes the NvSciIpc library.

    This function cleans up the NvSciIpc endpoint internal database created by NvSciIpcInit(). Before calling this API, all existing opened endpoints must be closed by NvSciIpcCloseEndpointSafe().

    This API can be called in Init mode to release resources in error handling or to test functionality.
    Invocation of NvSciIpcInit() must be successful.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges: None
    • API Group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: Yes

    ◆ NvSciIpcEnableNotification()

    NvSciError NvSciIpcEnableNotification ( NvSciIpcEndpoint  handle,
    bool  flag 

    Enable event notification (or polling)

    Control notification when connection or FIFO status is changed. If notification is disabled, NvSciIpc doesn't send notification to remote endpoint. notification is enabled by default unless user disables it using this API explicitly. User can use this API to choose asynchronous event notification mode or polling mode. Once notification is disabled in both endpoints, user shall not call event blocking API (i.e. poll, NvSciIpcWaitEventQnx, WaitForEvent, WaitForMultipleEvents etc.). If connection recovery is required (i.e. remote endpoint is restarted) after disabling notification, user shall call NvSciIpcGetEventSafe() till it doesn't return NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_CONN_RESET any more.

    This API supports Intra-VM and Inter-VM backend only.
    Before calling this API to disable notification, The user shall ensure that there are no remaining outstanding data transactions between the two endpoints using their own handshaking mechanism at the client level If this is not guranteed, pending notification might be delivered from local to remote peer. In that case, user shall handle (receive or ignore) such spurious incoming notifications.
    [in]handleNvSciIpc endpoint handle.
    [in]flagflag to enable IPC notification.
    NvSciError, the completion code of the operation:
    Invocation of NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe() must be successful.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges(QNX): None
    • API Group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: No

    ◆ NvSciIpcGetAsyncErrors()

    NvSciError NvSciIpcGetAsyncErrors ( NvSciIpcEndpoint  handle,
    uint32_t *  errors 

    Get asynchronouse errors.

    Returns error codes that can happen asynchronousely in the backend component. It could be errors from eDMA or PCIE in case of C2C backend.

    There are four errors reported in mask and this API returns bitwise OR operaton on new errors that has occurred since the last call to it.

    [in]handleNvSciIpc endpoint handle.
    [out]maskplace holder to store bitwise OR errors
    NvSciError, the completion code of the operation:
    Invocation of NvSciIpcGetEventSafe() must be successful.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges(QNX): None
    • API Group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: Yes

    ◆ NvSciIpcGetEndpointInfo()

    NvSciError NvSciIpcGetEndpointInfo ( NvSciIpcEndpoint  handle,
    NvSciIpcEndpointInfo info 

    Returns endpoint information.

    [in]handleNvSciIpc endpoint handle.
    [out]infoA pointer to NvSciIpcEndpointInfo object that this function copies the info to on success.
    NvSciError, the completion code of the operation:
    Invocation of NvSciIpcOpenEndpoint() or NvSciIpcOpenEndpointWithEventService() must be successful.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges(QNX): None
    • API Group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: No

    ◆ NvSciIpcGetEvent()

    NvSciError NvSciIpcGetEvent ( NvSciIpcEndpoint  handle,
    uint32_t *  events 

    Get Events.

    This API is deprecated and returns NvSciError_NotSupported without doing anything in safety build. Use NvSciIpcGetEventSafe() instead of this.

    Returns a bitwise OR operation on new events that occurred since the last call to this function.

    This function sets events to the result of a bitwise OR operation of zero or more NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_* constants corresponding to all new events that have occurred on the endpoint since:

    • the preceding call to this function on the endpoint or
    • opening the endpoint, if this is the first call to this function on the endpoint since it was opened.

    The parameter events is set to zero if no new events have occurred.

    There are 6 types of events:

    • NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_CONN_EST : IPC connection established
    • NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_CONN_RESET : IPC connection reset
    • NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_ASYNC_ERROR : Asynchronous error

    NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_CONN_EST and NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_CONN_RESET events are connection event. They're edge-triggered events and once they're read by user, events are cleared.

    NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_WRITE, NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_READ and NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_WRITE_EMPTY events are FIFO status event. As long as free buffer is available on write FIFO or data are available in read FIFO, API keeps reporting same events. All these events mean that connection is still alive.

    An NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_CONN_EST event occurs on an endpoint each time a connection is established through the endpoint (between the endpoint and the other end of the corresponding channel).

    An NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_WRITE event occurs on an endpoint:

    1. In conjunction with the delivery of each NV_SCI_IPC_CONN_EST event.
    2. Each time the endpoint ceases to be full after a prior NvSciIpcWrite* call returned NvSciError_InsufficientMemory. Note however that an implementation is permitted to delay the delivery of this type of NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_WRITE event, e.g., for purposes of improving throughput.

    An NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_READ event occurs on an endpoint:

    1. In conjunction with the delivery of each NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_CONN_EST event, if frames can already be read as of delivery.
    2. Each time the endpoint ceases to be empty after a prior NvSciRead* call returned NvSciError_InsufficientMemory. Note however that an implementation is permitted to delay the delivery of this type of NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_READ event, e.g., for purposes of improving throughput.

    An NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_CONN_RESET event occurs on an endpoint when the user calls NvSciIpcResetEndpoint.

    An NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_WRITE_EMPTY event occurs on an endpoint when write FIFO is empty. user can utilize this event to check if remote endpoint reads all data which local endpoint sent.

    If this function doesn't return desired events, user must call OS-provided blocking API to wait for notification from remote endpoint.

    The following are blocking API examples:

    In case of QNX OS, in order to authenticate user client process, NvSciIpc uses custom ability "NvSciIpcEndpoint". Use procmgr_ability_lookup() QNX OS API to get ability ID.

    Before using any read and write NvSciIpc API, user should call this API to make sure if connection is established.
    [in]handleNvSciIpc endpoint handle.
    [out]eventsA pointer to the variable into which to store the bitwise OR result of new events on success.
    NvSciError, the completion code of the operation:
    NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe() must be successful.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges(QNX): "NvSciIpcEndpoint"
    • API Group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: No

    ◆ NvSciIpcGetEventNotifier()

    NvSciError NvSciIpcGetEventNotifier ( NvSciIpcEndpoint  handle,
    NvSciEventNotifier **  eventNotifier 

    Get NvSciIpc event notifier.

    This API is used to connect NvSciIpc event handling with OS-provided event interface. It also utilizes NvSciEventService infrastructure. Before calling NvSciIpcCloseEndpointSafe(), event notifier should be deleted through Delete callback of NvSciEventNotifier.

    This API is only compatible with an endpoint that is opened with NvSciIpcOpenEndpointWithEventService()
    [in]handleNvSciIpc endpoint handle.
    [out]eventNotifierA pointer to NvSciEventNotifier object on success.
    NvSciError, the completion code of the operation:
    Invocation of NvSciIpcOpenEndpointWithEventService() must be successful.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges(QNX):
    • API Group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: No

    ◆ NvSciIpcGetEventSafe()

    NvSciError NvSciIpcGetEventSafe ( NvSciIpcEndpoint  handle,
    uint32_t *  events 

    Get Events (safety version)

    Returns a bitwise OR operation on new events that occurred since the last call to this function.

    This function sets events to the result of a bitwise OR operation of zero or more NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_* constants corresponding to all new events that have occurred on the endpoint since:

    • the preceding call to this function on the endpoint or
    • opening the endpoint, if this is the first call to this function on the endpoint since it was opened.

    The parameter events is set to zero if no new events have occurred.

    There are 6 types of events:

    • NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_CONN_EST : IPC connection established
    • NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_CONN_RESET : IPC connection reset
    • NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_ASYNC_ERROR : Asynchronous error

    NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_CONN_EST and NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_CONN_RESET events are connection event. They're edge-triggered events and once they're read by user, events are cleared.

    NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_WRITE, NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_READ and NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_WRITE_EMPTY events are FIFO status event. As long as free buffer is available on write FIFO or data are available in read FIFO, API keeps reporting same events. All these events mean that connection is still alive.

    An NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_CONN_EST event occurs on an endpoint each time a connection is established through the endpoint (between the endpoint and the other end of the corresponding channel).

    An NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_WRITE event occurs on an endpoint:

    1. In conjunction with the delivery of each NV_SCI_IPC_CONN_EST event.
    2. Each time the endpoint ceases to be full after a prior NvSciIpcWrite* call returned NvSciError_InsufficientMemory. Note however that an implementation is permitted to delay the delivery of this type of NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_WRITE event, e.g., for purposes of improving throughput.

    An NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_READ event occurs on an endpoint:

    1. In conjunction with the delivery of each NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_CONN_EST event, if frames can already be read as of delivery.
    2. Each time the endpoint ceases to be empty after a prior NvSciRead* call returned NvSciError_InsufficientMemory. Note however that an implementation is permitted to delay the delivery of this type of NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_READ event, e.g., for purposes of improving throughput.

    An NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_CONN_RESET event occurs on an endpoint when the user calls NvSciIpcResetEndpoint.

    An NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_WRITE_EMPTY event occurs on an endpoint when write FIFO is empty. user can utilize this event to check if remote endpoint reads all data which local endpoint sent.

    An NV_SCI_IPC_EVENT_ASYNC_ERROR event occurs on an endpoint when there is a asynchronouse error, i.e. failure on eDMA or PCIE. To get detailed error information, the user can call NvSciIpcGetAsyncError().

    If this function doesn't return desired events, user must call OS-provided blocking API to wait for notification from remote endpoint.

    The following are blocking API examples:

    In case of QNX OS, in order to authenticate user client process, NvSciIpc uses custom ability "NvSciIpcEndpoint". Use procmgr_ability_lookup() QNX OS API to get ability ID.

    Before using any read and write NvSciIpc API, user should call this API to make sure if connection is established.
    [in]handleNvSciIpc endpoint handle.
    [out]eventsA pointer to the variable into which to store the bitwise OR result of new events on success.
    NvSciError, the completion code of the operation:
    NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe() must be successful.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges(QNX): "NvSciIpcEndpoint"
    • API Group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: No

    ◆ NvSciIpcGetLinuxEventFd()

    NvSciError NvSciIpcGetLinuxEventFd ( NvSciIpcEndpoint  handle,
    int32_t *  fd 

    Returns the NvSciIpc file descriptor for a given endpoint.

    This API is specific to Linux OS. Event handle will be used to plug OS event notification (can be read, can be written, established, reset etc.)

    handleNvSciIpc endpoint handle
    fdA pointer to the endpoint file descriptor.
    NvSciError, the completion code of the operation:
    Invocation of NvSciIpcOpenEndpoint() or NvSciIpcOpenEndpointWithEventService() must be successful.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges: None
    • API Group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: No

    ◆ NvSciIpcInit()

    NvSciError NvSciIpcInit ( void  )

    Initializes the NvSciIpc library.

    This function parses the NvSciIpc configuration file and creates an internal database of NvSciIpc endpoints that exist in a system.

    NvSciError, the completion code of the operation.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges: None
    • API Group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: No

    ◆ NvSciIpcOpenEndpoint()

    NvSciError NvSciIpcOpenEndpoint ( const char *  endpoint,
    NvSciIpcEndpoint handle 

    Opens an endpoint with the given name.

    The function locates the NvSciIpc endpoint with the given name in the NvSciIpc configuration table in the internal database, and returns a handle to the endpoint if found. When the operation is successful, endpoint can utilize the allocated shared data area and the corresponding signaling mechanism setup. If the operation fails, the state of the NvSciIpc endpoint is undefined. In case of QNX OS, in order to authenticate user client process, NvSciIpc uses custom ability "NvSciIpcEndpoint". Use procmgr_ability_lookup() QNX OS API to get ability ID.

    [in]endpointThe name of the NvSciIpc endpoint to open.
    [out]handleA handle to the endpoint on success.
    NvSciError, the completion code of the operation:
    Invocation of NvSciIpcInit() must be successful.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges(QNX):
      • "NvSciIpcEndpoint"
      • "NvSciC2cPcieEndpoint" (Inter-Chip only)
      • PROCMGR_AID_PROT_EXEC (Inter-Chip only)
      • PROCMGR_AID_MAP_FIXED (Inter-Chip only)
    • API Group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: No

    ◆ NvSciIpcOpenEndpointWithEventService()

    NvSciError NvSciIpcOpenEndpointWithEventService ( const char *  endpoint,
    NvSciIpcEndpoint handle,
    NvSciEventService eventService 

    Opens an endpoint with the given name and event service.

    This API provides same functionality as NvSciIpcOpenEndpoint(). But, it requires additional event service abstract object as an input parameter to utilize NvSciEventService infrastructure. NvSciEventService can be created through NvSciEventLoopServiceCreateSafe(). NvSciIpcGetEventNotifier() can be used only when this API is invoked successfully. In case of QNX OS, in order to authenticate user client process, NvSciIpc uses custom ability "NvSciIpcEndpoint". Use procmgr_ability_lookup() QNX OS API to get ability ID.

    [in]endpointThe name of the NvSciIpc endpoint to open.
    [out]handleA handle to the endpoint on success.
    [in]eventServiceAn abstract object to use NvSciEventService infrastructure.
    NvSciError, the completion code of the operation:
    Invocation of NvSciEventLoopServiceCreateSafe() must be successful. Invocation of NvSciIpcInit() must be successful.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges(QNX):
      • "NvSciIpcEndpoint"
      • "NvSciC2cPcieEndpoint" (Inter-Chip only)
      • PROCMGR_AID_PROT_EXEC (Inter-Chip only)
      • PROCMGR_AID_MAP_FIXED (Inter-Chip only)
    • API Group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: No

    ◆ NvSciIpcRead()

    NvSciError NvSciIpcRead ( NvSciIpcEndpoint  handle,
    void *  buf,
    size_t  size,
    int32_t *  bytes 

    Reads a frame from the endpoint.

    This API is deprecated and returns NvSciError_NotSupported without doing anything in safety build. Use NvSciIpcReadSafe() instead of this.

    This function copies a new frame contents into a buffer and advances to the next frame. If the destination buffer is smaller than the configured frame size of the endpoint, the trailing bytes are discarded.

    This is a non-blocking call. Read channel of the endpoint must not be empty. If read channel of the endpoint was previously full, then the function notifies the remote endpoint.

    This operation cannot proceed if the endpoint is being reset. However, if the remote endpoint has called NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe(), calls to this function can still succeed until the next event notification on the local endpoint.

    The user shall make sure if actual input buffer size is equal or bigger than requested size before using this API.

    [in]handleThe handle to the endpoint to read from.
    [out]bufA pointer to a destination buffer to receive the contents of the next frame.
    [in]sizeThe number of bytes to copy from the frame, not to exceed the length of the destination buffer and configured frame size of the endpoint.
    [out]bytesThe number of bytes read on success.
    NvSciError, the completion code of the operation:
    NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe() must be successful.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges(QNX): None
    • API Group
      • Init: No
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: No

    ◆ NvSciIpcReadAdvance()

    NvSciError NvSciIpcReadAdvance ( NvSciIpcEndpoint  handle)

    Advance to the next read frame of the endpoint.

    This is a non-blocking call. Read channel of the endpoint must not be empty. If a read channel of the endpoint was previously full, then this function notifies the remote endpoint.

    This operation cannot proceed if the endpoint is being reset. However, if the remote endpoint has called NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe(), calls to this function can still succeed until the next event notification on the local endpoint.

    Between NvSciIpcReadGetNextFrame() and NvSciIpcReadAdvance(), do not perform any other NvSciIpc read operations with the same endpoint handle. Once a read frame is released by NvSciIpcReadAdvance(), do not use previously returned pointer of NvSciIpcReadGetNextFrame() since it is already invalid.

    [in]handleThe handle to the endpoint to read from.
    NvSciError, the completion code of the operation:
    NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe() must be successful.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges(QNX): None
    • API Group
      • Init: No
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: No

    ◆ NvSciIpcReadGetNextFrame()

    NvSciError NvSciIpcReadGetNextFrame ( NvSciIpcEndpoint  handle,
    const volatile void **  buf 

    Get a pointer to the read frame from the endpoint.

    This is a non-blocking call. This operation cannot proceed if the endpoint is being reset. However, if the remote endpoint has called NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe(), calls to this function can still succeed until the next event notification on the local endpoint. Between NvSciIpcReadGetNextFrame() and NvSciIpcReadAdvance(), do not perform any other NvSciIpc read operations with the same endpoint handle. Once a read frame is released by NvSciIpcReadAdvance(), do not use previously returned pointer of NvSciIpcReadGetNextFrame() since it is already invalid. Do not write through a returned pointer of NvSciIpcReadGetNextFrame(). This is protected by a const volatile pointer return type. Do not read the same memory location multiple times. If required, copy specific memory location to a local buffer before using it.

    [in]handleThe handle to the endpoint to read from.
    [out]bufA pointer to a destination buffer to receive the contents of the next frame on success.
    NvSciError, the completion code of the operation:
    NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe() must be successful.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges(QNX): None
    • API Group
      • Init: No
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: No

    ◆ NvSciIpcReadSafe()

    NvSciError NvSciIpcReadSafe ( NvSciIpcEndpoint  handle,
    void *  buf,
    uint32_t  size,
    uint32_t *  bytes 

    Reads a frame from the endpoint (safety version)

    This function copies a new frame contents into a buffer and advances to the next frame. If the destination buffer is smaller than the configured frame size of the endpoint, the trailing bytes are discarded.

    This is a non-blocking call. Read channel of the endpoint must not be empty. If read channel of the endpoint was previously full, then the function notifies the remote endpoint.

    This operation cannot proceed if the endpoint is being reset. However, if the remote endpoint has called NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe(), calls to this function can still succeed until the next event notification on the local endpoint.

    The user shall make sure if actual input buffer size is equal or bigger than requested size before using this API.

    [in]handleThe handle to the endpoint to read from.
    [out]bufA pointer to a destination buffer to receive the contents of the next frame.
    [in]sizeThe number of bytes to copy from the frame, not to exceed the length of the destination buffer and configured frame size of the endpoint.
    [out]bytesThe number of bytes read on success.
    NvSciError, the completion code of the operation:
    NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe() must be successful.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges(QNX): None
    • API Group
      • Init: No
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: No

    ◆ NvSciIpcResetEndpoint()

    void NvSciIpcResetEndpoint ( NvSciIpcEndpoint  handle)

    Resets an endpoint.

    This API is deprecated and returns without doing anything in safety build. Use NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe() instead of this.
    This API won't support Runtime in future release since existing data communications are not guaranteed.

    Initiates a reset on the endpoint and notifies the remote endpoint. Applications must call this function at most once per endpoint handle during Init mode and complete the reset operation before using the endpoint for communication. Once this API is called, all existing data in channel will be discarded. After invoking this function, client user shall call NvSciIpcGetEvent() to get specific event type (READ, WRITE etc.). if desired event is not returned from GetEvent API, OS-specific blocking call (select/poll or NvSciIpcWaitEventQnx) should be called to wait remote notification. This sequence must be done repeatedly to get event type that endpoint wants.

    This API must be called at most once per endpoint handle during Init mode, and at most once during De-init mode (i.e. synchronization for closing channel). In case of De-Init mode, NvSciIpcGetEvent() must NOT be called after NvSciIpcResetEndpoint() is called.
    [in]handleA handle to the endpoint to reset.
    Invocation of NvSciIpcSetQnxPulseParamSafe() or NvSciIpcGetLinuxEventFd() or NvSciIpcGetEventNotifier() must be successful.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges(QNX): None
    • API Group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: Yes

    ◆ NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe()

    NvSciError NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe ( NvSciIpcEndpoint  handle)

    Resets an endpoint.

    (safety version)

    This API won't support Runtime in future release since existing data communications are not guaranteed.

    Initiates a reset on the endpoint and notifies the remote endpoint. Applications must call this function at most once per endpoint handle during Init mode and complete the reset operation before using the endpoint for communication. Once this API is called, all existing data in channel will be discarded. After invoking this function, client user shall call NvSciIpcGetEvent() to get specific event type (READ, WRITE etc.). if desired event is not returned from GetEvent API, OS-specific blocking call (select/poll or NvSciIpcWaitEventQnx) should be called to wait remote notification. This sequence must be done repeatedly to get event type that endpoint wants.

    This API must be called at most once per endpoint handle during Init mode, and at most once during De-init mode (i.e. synchronization for closing channel). In case of De-Init mode, NvSciIpcGetEventSafe() must NOT be called after NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe() is called.
    [in]handleA handle to the endpoint to reset.
    NvSciError, the completion code of the operation:
    Invocation of NvSciIpcSetQnxPulseParamSafe() or NvSciIpcGetLinuxEventFd() or NvSciIpcGetEventNotifier() must be successful.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges: None
    • API Group
      • Init: Yes
      • Runtime: No
      • De-Init: Yes

    ◆ NvSciIpcWrite()

    NvSciError NvSciIpcWrite ( NvSciIpcEndpoint  handle,
    const void *  buf,
    size_t  size,
    int32_t *  bytes 

    Writes a frame to the endpoint.

    This API is deprecated and returns NvSciError_NotSupported without doing anything in safety build. Use NvSciIpcWriteSafe() instead of this.

    If space is available in the endpoint, this function posts a new frame, copying the contents from the provided data buffer. If size is less than the frame size, then the remaining bytes of the frame are undefined.

    This is a non-blocking call. If write channel of the endpoint was previously empty, then the function notifies the remote endpoint.

    This operation cannot proceed if the endpoint is being reset.

    The user shall make sure if actual input buffer size is equal or bigger than requested size before using this API.

    [in]handleThe handle to the endpoint to write to.
    [in]bufA pointer to a source buffer for the contents of the next frame.
    [in]sizeThe number of bytes to be copied to the frame, not to exceed the length of the destination buffer and configured frame size of the endpoint.
    [out]bytesThe number of bytes written on success.
    NvSciError, the completion code of the operation:
    NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe() must be successful.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges(QNX): None
    • API Group
      • Init: No
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: No

    ◆ NvSciIpcWriteAdvance()

    NvSciError NvSciIpcWriteAdvance ( NvSciIpcEndpoint  handle)

    Advance to the next write frame of the endpoint.

    This is a non-blocking call. If write channel of the endpoint is not full, then post the next frame. If write channel of the endpoint was previously empty, then this function notifies the remote endpoint.

    This operation cannot proceed if the endpoint is being reset. However, if the remote endpoint has called NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe(), calls to this function can still succeed until the next event notification on the local endpoint.

    Between NvSciIpcWriteGetNextFrame() and NvSciIpcWriteAdvance(), do not perform any other NvSciIpc write operations with the same endpoint handle. Once transmit message is committed by NvSciIpcWriteAdvance(), do not use previously returned pointer of NvSciIpcWriteGetNextFrame() since it is already invalid.

    [in]handleThe handle to the endpoint to write to.
    NvSciError, the completion code of the operation:
    NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe() must be successful.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges(QNX): None
    • API Group
      • Init: No
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: No

    ◆ NvSciIpcWriteGetNextFrame()

    NvSciError NvSciIpcWriteGetNextFrame ( NvSciIpcEndpoint  handle,
    volatile void **  buf 

    Get a pointer to the write frame from the endpoint.

    This is a non-blocking call. write channel of the endpoint must not be full.

    This operation cannot proceed if the endpoint is being reset. However, if the remote endpoint has called NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe(), calls to this function can still succeed until the next event notification on the local endpoint. Between NvSciIpcWriteGetNextFrame() and NvSciIpcWriteAdvance(), do not perform any other NvSciIpc write operations with the same endpoint handle. Once a transmit message is committed by NvSciIpcWriteAdvance(), do not use previously returned pointer of NvSciIpcWriteGetNextFrame() since it is already invalid. Do not read through a returned pointer of NvSciIpcWriteGetNextFrame().

    [in]handleThe handle to the endpoint to write to.
    [out]bufA pointer to a destination buffer to hold the contents of the next frame on success.
    NvSciError, the completion code of the operation:
    NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe() must be successful.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges(QNX): None
    • API Group
      • Init: No
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: No

    ◆ NvSciIpcWriteSafe()

    NvSciError NvSciIpcWriteSafe ( NvSciIpcEndpoint  handle,
    const void *  buf,
    uint32_t  size,
    uint32_t *  bytes 

    Writes a frame to the endpoint.

    (safety version)

    If space is available in the endpoint, this function posts a new frame, copying the contents from the provided data buffer. If size is less than the frame size, then the remaining bytes of the frame are undefined.

    This is a non-blocking call. If write channel of the endpoint was previously empty, then the function notifies the remote endpoint.

    This operation cannot proceed if the endpoint is being reset.

    The user shall make sure if actual input buffer size is equal or bigger than requested size before using this API.

    [in]handleThe handle to the endpoint to write to.
    [in]bufA pointer to a source buffer for the contents of the next frame.
    [in]sizeThe number of bytes to be copied to the frame, not to exceed the length of the destination buffer and configured frame size of the endpoint.
    [out]bytesThe number of bytes written on success.
    NvSciError, the completion code of the operation:
    NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe() must be successful.

    Usage considerations

    • Allowed context for the API call
      • Interrupt: No
      • Signal handler: No
      • Thread-safe: Yes
      • Async/Sync: Sync
    • Required Privileges(QNX): None
    • API Group
      • Init: No
      • Runtime: Yes
      • De-Init: No
    Specifies the IPC write fifo empty event.
    Definition: nvsciipc.h:352
    Specifies the IPC connection established event.
    Definition: nvsciipc.h:348
    NvSciError NvSciIpcGetEvent(NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, uint32_t *events)
    Get Events.
    Specifies single event mask to check IPC connection establishment.
    Definition: nvsciipc.h:356