| PACK_SYNC (typedef struct { uint64_t timestamp;uint32_t statusEngine;uint16_t subframe;uint16_t status;}) NvSciSyncTaskStatus |
| A single slot in the task status buffer. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncModuleOpen (NvSciSyncModule *newModule) |
| Initializes and returns a new NvSciSyncModule with no NvSciSyncAttrLists, NvSciSyncCpuWaitContexts, NvSciSyncObjs or NvSciSyncFences bound to it. More...
void | NvSciSyncModuleClose (NvSciSyncModule module) |
| Closes an instance of the NvSciSyncModule that was obtained through an earlier call to NvSciSyncModuleOpen(). More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncCpuWaitContextAlloc (NvSciSyncModule module, NvSciSyncCpuWaitContext *newContext) |
| Allocates a new NvSciSyncCpuWaitContext. More...
void | NvSciSyncCpuWaitContextFree (NvSciSyncCpuWaitContext context) |
| Releases the NvSciSyncCpuWaitContext. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncAttrListCreate (NvSciSyncModule module, NvSciSyncAttrList *attrList) |
| Creates a new, single-slot unreconciled NvSciSyncAttrList associated with the input NvSciSyncModule with empty NvSciSyncAttrKeys. More...
void | NvSciSyncAttrListFree (NvSciSyncAttrList attrList) |
| Frees the NvSciSyncAttrList and removes its association with the NvSciSyncModule with which it was created. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncAttrListIsReconciled (NvSciSyncAttrList attrList, bool *isReconciled) |
| Checks whether the NvSciSyncAttrList is reconciled. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncAttrListValidateReconciled (NvSciSyncAttrList reconciledAttrList, const NvSciSyncAttrList inputUnreconciledAttrListArray[], size_t inputUnreconciledAttrListCount, bool *isReconciledListValid) |
| Validates a reconciled NvSciSyncAttrList against a set of input unreconciled NvSciSyncAttrLists. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncAttrListSetAttrs (NvSciSyncAttrList attrList, const NvSciSyncAttrKeyValuePair *pairArray, size_t pairCount) |
| Sets the values for NvSciSyncAttrKey(s) in slot 0 of the input NvSciSyncAttrList. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncAttrListGetAttrs (NvSciSyncAttrList attrList, NvSciSyncAttrKeyValuePair *pairArray, size_t pairCount) |
| Gets the value of NvSciSyncAttrKey from slot 0 of the input NvSciSyncAttrList. More...
size_t | NvSciSyncAttrListGetSlotCount (NvSciSyncAttrList attrList) |
| Gets the slot count of the given NvSciSyncAttrList. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncAttrListAppendUnreconciled (const NvSciSyncAttrList inputUnreconciledAttrListArray[], size_t inputUnreconciledAttrListCount, NvSciSyncAttrList *newUnreconciledAttrList) |
| Appends multiple unreconciled NvSciSyncAttrLists together, forming a single new unreconciled NvSciSyncAttrList with a slot count equal to the sum of all the slot counts of NvSciSyncAttrList(s) in the input array which is no longer writable. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncAttrListClone (NvSciSyncAttrList origAttrList, NvSciSyncAttrList *newAttrList) |
| Clones an NvSciSyncAttrList. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncAttrListSlotGetAttrs (NvSciSyncAttrList attrList, size_t slotIndex, NvSciSyncAttrKeyValuePair *pairArray, size_t pairCount) |
| Gets the value(s) of NvSciSyncAttrKey(s) from an NvSciSyncAttrList at given slot index in a multi-slot unreconciled NvSciSyncAttrList. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncAttrListReconcile (const NvSciSyncAttrList inputArray[], size_t inputCount, NvSciSyncAttrList *newReconciledList, NvSciSyncAttrList *newConflictList) |
| Reconciles the input unreconciled NvSciSyncAttrLists into a new reconciled NvSciSyncAttrList. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncAttrListIpcExportUnreconciled (const NvSciSyncAttrList unreconciledAttrListArray[], size_t unreconciledAttrListCount, NvSciIpcEndpoint ipcEndpoint, void **descBuf, size_t *descLen) |
| Transforms the input unreconciled NvSciSyncAttrList(s) to an exportable unreconciled NvSciSyncAttrList descriptor that can be transported by the application to any remote process as a serialized set of bytes over an NvSciIpc channel. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncAttrListIpcExportReconciled (const NvSciSyncAttrList reconciledAttrList, NvSciIpcEndpoint ipcEndpoint, void **descBuf, size_t *descLen) |
| Transforms the reconciled NvSciSyncAttrList to an exportable reconciled NvSciSyncAttrList descriptor that can be transported by the application to any remote process as a serialized set of bytes over an NvSciIpc channel. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncAttrListIpcImportUnreconciled (NvSciSyncModule module, NvSciIpcEndpoint ipcEndpoint, const void *descBuf, size_t descLen, NvSciSyncAttrList *importedUnreconciledAttrList) |
| Transforms an exported unreconciled NvSciSyncAttrList descriptor (potentially received from any process) into an unreconciled NvSciSyncAttrList which is no longer writable. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncAttrListIpcImportReconciled (NvSciSyncModule module, NvSciIpcEndpoint ipcEndpoint, const void *descBuf, size_t descLen, const NvSciSyncAttrList inputUnreconciledAttrListArray[], size_t inputUnreconciledAttrListCount, NvSciSyncAttrList *importedReconciledAttrList) |
| Translates an exported reconciled NvSciSyncAttrList descriptor (potentially received from any process) into a reconciled NvSciSyncAttrList. More...
void | NvSciSyncAttrListFreeDesc (void *descBuf) |
| Frees an exported NvSciSyncAttrList descriptor previously returned by any NvSciSyncAttrList exporting function. More...
void | NvSciSyncFenceClear (NvSciSyncFence *syncFence) |
| Frees any resources allocated for the NvSciSyncFence. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncFenceDup (const NvSciSyncFence *srcSyncFence, NvSciSyncFence *dstSyncFence) |
| Duplicates the given NvSciSyncFence, such that any wait on duplicated NvSciSyncFence will complete at the same time as a wait on given NvSciSyncFence. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncFenceExtractFence (const NvSciSyncFence *syncFence, uint64_t *id, uint64_t *value) |
| Extracts the id and value from the input NvSciSyncFence. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncFenceUpdateFence (NvSciSyncObj syncObj, uint64_t id, uint64_t value, NvSciSyncFence *syncFence) |
| Populates the input NvSciSyncFence based on the input id and value. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncFenceAddTimestampSlot (NvSciSyncFence *syncFence, uint32_t timestampSlot) |
| Sets the current timestamp slot index in the NvSciSyncFence. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncFenceAddTaskStatusSlot (NvSciSyncFence *syncFence, uint32_t taskStatusSlot) |
| Sets the current task status slot index to the NvSciSyncFence. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncFenceExtractTimestampSlot (NvSciSyncFence *syncFence, uint32_t *timeStampSlot) |
| Reads the current timestamp slot index from the NvSciSyncFence. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncObjAlloc (NvSciSyncAttrList reconciledList, NvSciSyncObj *syncObj) |
| Allocates and initializes a NvSciSyncObj that meets all the constraints specified in the given reconciled NvSciSyncAttrList. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncObjDup (NvSciSyncObj syncObj, NvSciSyncObj *dupObj) |
| Creates a new NvSciSyncObj holding a reference to the original resources to which the input NvSciSyncObj holds reference to. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncObjGetAttrList (NvSciSyncObj syncObj, NvSciSyncAttrList *syncAttrList) |
| Retrieves the reconciled NvSciSyncAttrList associated with an input NvSciSyncObj. More...
void | NvSciSyncObjFree (NvSciSyncObj syncObj) |
| Destroys a valid NvSciSyncObj and frees any resources that were allocated for it. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncObjIpcExport (NvSciSyncObj syncObj, NvSciSyncAccessPerm permissions, NvSciIpcEndpoint ipcEndpoint, NvSciSyncObjIpcExportDescriptor *desc) |
| Exports an NvSciSyncObj into an NvSciIpc-transferable object binary descriptor. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncObjIpcImport (NvSciIpcEndpoint ipcEndpoint, const NvSciSyncObjIpcExportDescriptor *desc, NvSciSyncAttrList inputAttrList, NvSciSyncAccessPerm permissions, int64_t timeoutUs, NvSciSyncObj *syncObj) |
| Creates and returns an NvSciSyncObj based on the supplied binary descriptor describing an exported NvSciSyncObj. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncIpcExportFence (const NvSciSyncFence *syncFence, NvSciIpcEndpoint ipcEndpoint, NvSciSyncFenceIpcExportDescriptor *desc) |
| Exports the input NvSciSyncFence into a binary descriptor shareable across the NvSciIpc channel. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncIpcImportFence (NvSciSyncObj syncObj, const NvSciSyncFenceIpcExportDescriptor *desc, NvSciSyncFence *syncFence) |
| Fills in the NvSciSyncFence based on the input binary descriptor. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncObjValidate (NvSciSyncObj syncObj) |
| Validates the NvSciSyncObj satisfies the constraints of the NvSciSyncAttrList that it is associated with. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncObjGenerateFence (NvSciSyncObj syncObj, NvSciSyncFence *syncFence) |
| Generates next point on sync timeline of an NvSciSyncObj and fills in the supplied NvSciSyncFence object. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncObjSignal (NvSciSyncObj syncObj) |
| Signals the NvSciSyncObj using the reconciled primitive that was allocated along with the NvSciSyncObj. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncFenceWait (const NvSciSyncFence *syncFence, NvSciSyncCpuWaitContext context, int64_t timeoutUs) |
| Performs a synchronous wait on the NvSciSyncFence object until the NvSciSyncFence has been signaled or the timeout expires. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncFenceGetTimestamp (const NvSciSyncFence *syncFence, uint64_t *timestampUS) |
| Read the timestamp associated with the NvSciSyncFence. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncFenceGetTaskStatus (const NvSciSyncFence *syncFence, NvSciSyncTaskStatus *taskStatus) |
| Reads the task status associated with the NvSciSyncFence and stores it in the user provided out parameter. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncAttrListGetAttr (NvSciSyncAttrList attrList, NvSciSyncAttrKey key, const void **value, size_t *len) |
| Gets the attribute value from the slot 0 of the passed NvSciSyncAttrList with the given NvSciSyncAttrKey. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncAttrListReconcileAndObjAlloc (const NvSciSyncAttrList inputArray[], size_t inputCount, NvSciSyncObj *syncObj, NvSciSyncAttrList *newConflictList) |
| Reconciles the input unreconciled NvSciSyncAttrList(s) into a new reconciled NvSciSyncAttrList. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncIpcExportAttrListAndObj (NvSciSyncObj syncObj, NvSciSyncAccessPerm permissions, NvSciIpcEndpoint ipcEndpoint, void **attrListAndObjDesc, size_t *attrListAndObjDescSize) |
| Exports an NvSciSyncAttrList and NvSciSyncObj into an NvSciIpc-transferable object binary descriptor pointed to by data. More...
void | NvSciSyncAttrListAndObjFreeDesc (void *attrListAndObjDescBuf) |
| Frees an NvSciSyncIpcExportAttrListAndObj descriptor returned by a successful call to NvSciSyncIpcExportAttrListAndObj. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncIpcImportAttrListAndObj (NvSciSyncModule module, NvSciIpcEndpoint ipcEndpoint, const void *attrListAndObjDesc, size_t attrListAndObjDescSize, NvSciSyncAttrList const attrList[], size_t attrListCount, NvSciSyncAccessPerm minPermissions, int64_t timeoutUs, NvSciSyncObj *syncObj) |
| Creates an NvSciSyncObj based on the supplied binary descriptor returned from a successful call to NvSciSyncIpcExportAttrListAndObj that has not yet been freed via NvSciSyncAttrListAndObjFreeDesc. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncCheckVersionCompatibility (uint32_t majorVer, uint32_t minorVer, bool *isCompatible) |
| Checks if the loaded library version is compatible with the version the application was compiled against. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncObjAttachPeer (NvSciSyncObj syncObj, const NvSciSyncAttrList inputArray[], size_t inputCount) |
| Allows remote peer NvSciIpcEndpoint to gain access to already allocated NvSciSyncObj. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncFillC2cAttrs (NvSciSyncAttrList unrecAttrList, NvSciSyncAccessPerm permissions) |
| Fills appropriate attributes for C2C copy in the input NvSciSyncAttrList. More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncAttrListValidateReconciledAgainstAttrs (NvSciSyncAttrList reconciledAttrList, const NvSciSyncAttrKeyValuePair *pairArray, size_t pairCount, NvSciSyncAccessPerm permissions) |
| Validates reconciledAttrList against the set of input attributes that the user has set in the unreconciled NvSciSyncAttrList(s). More...
NvSciError | NvSciSyncFenceWaitWithMode (const NvSciSyncFence *syncFence, NvSciSyncCpuWaitContext context, int64_t timeoutUs, NvSciSyncWaitMode waitMode) |
| Performs a synchronous wait on the NvSciSyncFence object until the NvSciSyncFence has been signaled or the timeout expires. More...