Defines the DeviceBlock information.
A DeviceBlock represents a grouping of a deserializer (which is connected to the SoC's CSI interface) and the camera modules connected to the links of the deserializer.
Definition at line 346 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlockInfo.hpp.
Data Fields | |
NvSiplCapInterfaceType | csiPort {NVSIPL_CAP_CSI_INTERFACE_TYPE_CSI_A} |
Holds the NvSiplCapInterfaceType that specifies the CSI port of the SoC to which the deserializer is connected. More... | |
NvSiplCapCsiPhyMode | phyMode = NVSIPL_CAP_CSI_DPHY_MODE |
Holds the NvSiplCapCsiPhyMode Phy mode. More... | |
uint32_t | i2cDevice {UINT32_MAX} |
Holds the I2C device bus number used to connect the deserializer with the SoC. More... | |
DeserInfo | deserInfo |
Holds the DeserInfo deserializer information. More... | |
uint32_t | numCameraModules {0U} |
Holds the number of camera modules connected to the deserializer. More... | |
CameraModuleInfo | cameraModuleInfoList [MAX_CAMERAMODULES_PER_BLOCK] |
Holds an array of information about each camera module in the device block. More... | |
std::uint32_t | desI2CPort {UINT32_MAX} |
Holds the deserializer I2C port number connected with the SoC. More... | |
std::uint32_t | desTxPort {UINT32_MAX} |
Holds the deserializer Tx port number connected with the SoC. More... | |
std::uint32_t | pwrPort = UINT32_MAX |
Holds the power port. More... | |
std::uint32_t | dphyRate [MAX_CSI_LANE_CONFIGURATION] = {0U} |
Holds the deserializer's data rate in DPHY mode(kHz) More... | |
std::uint32_t | cphyRate [MAX_CSI_LANE_CONFIGURATION] = {0U} |
Holds the deserializer's data rate in CPHY mode(ksps) More... | |
bool | isPassiveModeEnabled {false} |
Holds a flag which indicates whether passive mode must be enabled. More... | |
bool | isGroupInitProg {false} |
Holds a flag which indicates whether group initialization is enabled. More... | |
std::vector< uint32_t > | gpios {} |
Holds CDAC GPIO indices for the Device Block. More... | |
bool | isPwrCtrlDisabled {false} |
Holds a flag which indicates whether power control is disabled on the platform. More... | |
bool | longCables [MAX_CAMERAMODULES_PER_BLOCK] = {false} |
Holds long cable support. More... | |
bool | resetAll |
std::string | bootAcceleratorTag = "" |
Tag for the boot initialization sequence expected to have been executed by the camera boot accelerator. More... | |
std::string nvsipl::DeviceBlockInfo::bootAcceleratorTag = "" |
Tag for the boot initialization sequence expected to have been executed by the camera boot accelerator.
By default the boot accelerator tag is an empty string. This string must remain empty unless the camera boot accelerator has been configured for the desired use case and Device Block.
This property is only valid for QNX.
Definition at line 401 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlockInfo.hpp.
CameraModuleInfo nvsipl::DeviceBlockInfo::cameraModuleInfoList[MAX_CAMERAMODULES_PER_BLOCK] |
Holds an array of information about each camera module in the device block.
Definition at line 364 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlockInfo.hpp.
std::uint32_t nvsipl::DeviceBlockInfo::cphyRate[MAX_CSI_LANE_CONFIGURATION] = {0U} |
Holds the deserializer's data rate in CPHY mode(ksps)
Definition at line 374 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlockInfo.hpp.
NvSiplCapInterfaceType nvsipl::DeviceBlockInfo::csiPort {NVSIPL_CAP_CSI_INTERFACE_TYPE_CSI_A} |
Holds the NvSiplCapInterfaceType that specifies the CSI port of the SoC to which the deserializer is connected.
Definition at line 350 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlockInfo.hpp.
DeserInfo nvsipl::DeviceBlockInfo::deserInfo |
Holds the DeserInfo deserializer information.
Definition at line 357 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlockInfo.hpp.
std::uint32_t nvsipl::DeviceBlockInfo::desI2CPort {UINT32_MAX} |
Holds the deserializer I2C port number connected with the SoC.
Definition at line 366 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlockInfo.hpp.
std::uint32_t nvsipl::DeviceBlockInfo::desTxPort {UINT32_MAX} |
Holds the deserializer Tx port number connected with the SoC.
Definition at line 368 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlockInfo.hpp.
std::uint32_t nvsipl::DeviceBlockInfo::dphyRate[MAX_CSI_LANE_CONFIGURATION] = {0U} |
Holds the deserializer's data rate in DPHY mode(kHz)
Definition at line 372 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlockInfo.hpp.
std::vector<uint32_t> nvsipl::DeviceBlockInfo::gpios {} |
Holds CDAC GPIO indices for the Device Block.
(Non-error monitoring.)
Definition at line 382 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlockInfo.hpp.
uint32_t nvsipl::DeviceBlockInfo::i2cDevice {UINT32_MAX} |
Holds the I2C device bus number used to connect the deserializer with the SoC.
Definition at line 355 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlockInfo.hpp.
bool nvsipl::DeviceBlockInfo::isGroupInitProg {false} |
Holds a flag which indicates whether group initialization is enabled.
Definition at line 380 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlockInfo.hpp.
bool nvsipl::DeviceBlockInfo::isPassiveModeEnabled {false} |
Holds a flag which indicates whether passive mode must be enabled.
Used when an NVIDIA DRIVE™ AGX SoC connected to the deserializer does not have an I2C connection to control it.
Definition at line 378 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlockInfo.hpp.
bool nvsipl::DeviceBlockInfo::isPwrCtrlDisabled {false} |
Holds a flag which indicates whether power control is disabled on the platform.
Definition at line 386 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlockInfo.hpp.
bool nvsipl::DeviceBlockInfo::longCables[MAX_CAMERAMODULES_PER_BLOCK] = {false} |
Holds long cable support.
Definition at line 388 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlockInfo.hpp.
uint32_t nvsipl::DeviceBlockInfo::numCameraModules {0U} |
Holds the number of camera modules connected to the deserializer.
This value must be less than or equal to MAX_CAMERAMODULES_PER_BLOCK.
Definition at line 361 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlockInfo.hpp.
NvSiplCapCsiPhyMode nvsipl::DeviceBlockInfo::phyMode = NVSIPL_CAP_CSI_DPHY_MODE |
Holds the NvSiplCapCsiPhyMode Phy mode.
Definition at line 352 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlockInfo.hpp.
std::uint32_t nvsipl::DeviceBlockInfo::pwrPort = UINT32_MAX |
Holds the power port.
Definition at line 370 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlockInfo.hpp.
bool nvsipl::DeviceBlockInfo::resetAll |
Definition at line 391 of file NvSIPLDeviceBlockInfo.hpp.