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  • At SIGGRAPH 2019, we showed how NVIDIA RTX? is pushing creative boundaries with advances in AI for graphics and real-time ray tracing. Our team of researchers, engineers, and creators demonstrated how to bring realism to design, the power and flexibility of RTX Studio Laptops for creative workflows, and why rendering photorealistic images has never been faster.

    Watch featured talks and courses on-demand to explore how today’s leading applications and our technologies are transforming graphics workflows. We’ll explore a broad range of topics, from creating digital humans to collaborating on a 3D platform from anywhere in the world.

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    Topic Title Presenters
    Animation & VFX Progress toward real-time, photo-realistic digital humans Danielle Costa, Marvel Studios; Doug Roble, Digital Domain; Vladimir Mastilovic, Epic Games; Simon Yuen, NVIDIA
    Animation & VFX High-End Virtual Humans at a Lower Cost Vasken Bohossian, Human Engine
    Animation & VFX Adding GPU Acceleration to Pixar Renderman Max Liani, Pixar
    Animation & VFX Feature Film Color Science with EFILM’s VP of Technology Joachim Zell Joachim Zell, EFILM/Deluxe
    Animation & VFX Film Restoration & Enhancement with AI Huang Shuo, China Film Studio Co.,Ltd
    Animation & VFX Introducing Foundry's ML-Server: a Sandbox for Deep Learning VFX tools Dan Ring, Foundry
    Animation & VFX Autodesk Flame's AI toolset, new solutions in VFX Compositing and Color Finishing Will Harris , Autodesk
    Graphics & AI Data Science and the Future of Compute Jared Dame, HP
    Graphics & AI Learning from the past so you do repeat it: Introducing the Example-Based Workflow Eric Risser, Artomatix
    Graphics & AI Microsoft Azure and NVIDIA: Bringing powerful rendering, simulation, and graphics visualization to enterprises Vijay Kanchanahalli, Microsoft
    Graphics & AI The Future of XR, HP's Perspective Paul Martin, HP
    Graphics & AI Deep Learning - Practical Considerations on the Workstation Chris Hebert, NVIDIA
    Graphics & AI Getting the most from the NVIDIA Developer Program Vince Brisebois, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Deep Learning for Content Creation and Real-Time Rendering- Introduction Don Brittain, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Deep Learning for Content Creation and Real-Time Rendering- A Style-Based Generator Architecture for Generative Adversarial Networks Ming-Yu Liu, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Deep Learning for Content Creation and Real-Time Rendering- The adjoint technique Jos Stam, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Deep Learning for Content Creation and Real-Time Rendering- Deep learning - practical considerations on the workstation Chris Hebert, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Deep Learning for Content Creation and Real-Time Rendering- Deep learning for Animation Simon Yuen, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Real Time Ray Tracing and the Demand of Architectural Visualization Carlos Cristerna, Neoscape
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Sharing Physically Based Materials between Renderers with MDL Lutz Kettner, NVIDIA; Jan Jordan, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing GPU Ray Tracing for Film and Design- Introduction Eric Enderton, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing GPU Ray Tracing for Film and Design- OptiX: A New Look Steve Parker, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing GPU Ray Tracing for Film and Design- V-Ray GPU Acceleration with the Latest OptiX Vladimir Koylazov, Chaos Group
    Rendering & Ray Tracing GPU Ray Tracing for Film and Design- Texture Paging in OptiX David Hart, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing GPU Ray Tracing for Film and Design- Bringing the Arnold Renderer to the GPU Adrien Herubel, Autodesk
    Rendering & Ray Tracing GPU Ray Tracing for Film and Design- OptiX Performance Tools and Tricks David Hart, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing GPU Ray Tracing for Film and Design- The Omniverse RTX Real-Time Ray Tracer Ignacio Llamas, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Applications of Mesh Shading with Dx12 Rahul Sathe, NVIDIA; Manuel Kraemer, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Interactive and Cinematic Ray Tracing of Cellular and Molecular Biology with OptiX and RTX Acceleration John Stone, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Adding RTX acceleration to Iray with OptiX Lutz Kettner, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Optimizing and Deploying Ray-Traced Dynamic Global Illumination Morgan McGuire, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Real-Time Ray Tracing - Special Topics and Latest Research - Light at the End of the Ray Alexey Panteleev, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Real-Time Ray Tracing - Special Topics and Latest Resarch- Ray-Traced Global Illumination for Games Massively Parallel Path Space Filtering Alex Keller, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Real-Time Ray Tracing - Special Topics and Latest Resarch- Ray Tracing at 240 Hz. Josef Spjut, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Advanced Real Time Ray Tracing Tutorial Evan Hart, NVIDIA; Alex Dunn, NVIDIA; Aurelio Reis, NVIDIA; Pawel Koslowski, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Ray Tracing Gems 1.1 - Cool Patches: A Geometric Approach to Ray/Bilinear Patch Intersections Alexander Reshetov, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Ray Tracing Gems 1.1 - A Simple Load-Balancing Scheme with High Scaling Efficiency Alexander Keller, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Ray Tracing Gems 1.1 - A Microfacet-Based Shadowing Function to Solve the Bump Terminator Problem Clifford Stein, Sony PIctures Imageworks
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Ray Tracing Gems 1.1 - Importance Sampling of Many Lights on the GPU Pierre Moreau, Lund University
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Ray Tracing Gems 1.1 - Cinematic Rendering in UE4 with Real-Time Ray Tracing and Denoising Juan Ca?ada, Epic Games
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Ray Tracing Gems 1.1 - Texture Level of Detail Strategies for Real-Time Ray Tracing Colin Barré-Brisebois, Electronic Arts
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Ray Tracing Gems 1.1 - Improving Temporal Antialiasing with Adaptive Ray Tracing Josef Spjut, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Ray Tracing Gems Eric Haines, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Getting Started with DirectX Ray Tracing in Unity Tian Ning, Unity
    Rendering & Ray Tracing An RTX-tra Substance Painter Feature Nikie Monteleone, DreamWorks Animation TV
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Applications of Mesh Shading with Dx12 Rahul Sathe, NVIDIA; Manuel Kraemer, NVIDIA
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Real Time Rendering and Raytracing on the Edge Raheel Khalid, Verizon
    Rendering & Ray Tracing The Future of GPU Rendering: Real-Time Raytracing, Holographic Displays and Light Field Media Jules Urbach, OTOY
    Rendering & Ray Tracing 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA Adopts RTX Xavier Melkonian, Dassault Systèmes
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Bringing the Arnold Renderer to the GPU Adrien Herubel, Autodesk
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Prism & RTX Victor Yudin, Technicolor/Mill Film
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Fundamentals of Ray Tracing in Unreal Engine Sean Spitzer, Epic Games
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Realizing the Halo Ring' 'How Falcon's Creative Group achieved 'The Ring Experience' at Halo: Outpost Discovery' Saham Ali, Falcon Digital Media
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Production-Quality, Final-Frame Rendering on the GPU Rob Slater, Redshift
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Latest RTX Advances in V-Ray GPU Phil Miller, Chaos
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Pure Ray Tracing in Real-Time with Project Lavina Phil Miller, Chaos
    Rendering & Ray Tracing MPC Genesis: Real-Time Raytracing in Virtual Production Francesco Giordana, MPC Film
    Rendering & Ray Tracing RTX, a Breakthrough in VFX and Animation Workflow Jean-Colas Prunier, PocketStudio
    Rendering & Ray Tracing The Diminishing Need For Offline Rendering: Building Real Time Projects for Both Design and Marketing with RTX Stephen Phillips, Theia
    Rendering & Ray Tracing Rocket Science and Rendering: Expanding Capacity for The Expanse Graham Peddie, Rocket Science VFX
    Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality NVIDIA Omniverse: An open, USD based collaboration platform for constructing and simulating virtual worlds Michael Kass, NVIDIA; Frank DeLise, NVIDIA; Tae-Yong Kim, NVIDIA
    Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality Autodesk Products & NVIDIA Omniverse Dave Tyner, Autodesk
    Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality Hyperreality, Blurring the Lines Between Virtual and Reality Frédéric Lecompte, BackLight
    Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality Collaborative Workflow for Media and Entertainment Rick Grandy, NVIDIA
    Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality VRS for improved VR Performance Michael Bergen, NVIDIA; Vinay Narayan, HTC
    Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality Building a Virtual Studio in the Cloud Adrian Graham, Google