NvSciError | NvSciIpcInit (void) |
| Initializes the NvSciIpc library. More...
void | NvSciIpcDeinit (void) |
| De-initializes the NvSciIpc library. More...
NvSciError | NvSciIpcOpenEndpoint (const char *endpoint, NvSciIpcEndpoint *handle) |
| Opens an endpoint with the given name. More...
NvSciError | NvSciIpcOpenEndpointWithEventService (const char *endpoint, NvSciIpcEndpoint *handle, NvSciEventService *eventService) |
| Opens an endpoint with the given name and event service. More...
NvSciError | NvSciIpcGetEventNotifier (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, NvSciEventNotifier **eventNotifier) |
| Get NvSciIpc event notifier. More...
void | NvSciIpcCloseEndpoint (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle) |
| Closes an endpoint with the given handle. More...
NvSciError | NvSciIpcCloseEndpointSafe (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, bool clear) |
| Closes an endpoint with the given handle (safety version) More...
void | NvSciIpcResetEndpoint (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle) |
| Resets an endpoint. More...
NvSciError | NvSciIpcResetEndpointSafe (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle) |
| Resets an endpoint. More...
NvSciError | NvSciIpcRead (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, void *buf, size_t size, int32_t *bytes) |
| Reads a frame from the endpoint. More...
NvSciError | NvSciIpcReadSafe (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, void *buf, uint32_t size, uint32_t *bytes) |
| Reads a frame from the endpoint (safety version) More...
NvSciError | NvSciIpcReadGetNextFrame (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, const volatile void **buf) |
| Get a pointer to the read frame from the endpoint. More...
NvSciError | NvSciIpcReadAdvance (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle) |
| Advance to the next read frame of the endpoint. More...
NvSciError | NvSciIpcWrite (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, const void *buf, size_t size, int32_t *bytes) |
| Writes a frame to the endpoint. More...
NvSciError | NvSciIpcWriteSafe (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, const void *buf, uint32_t size, uint32_t *bytes) |
| Writes a frame to the endpoint. More...
NvSciError | NvSciIpcWriteGetNextFrame (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, volatile void **buf) |
| Get a pointer to the write frame from the endpoint. More...
NvSciError | NvSciIpcWriteAdvance (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle) |
| Advance to the next write frame of the endpoint. More...
NvSciError | NvSciIpcGetEndpointInfo (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, NvSciIpcEndpointInfo *info) |
| Returns endpoint information. More...
NvSciError | NvSciIpcGetLinuxEventFd (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, int32_t *fd) |
| Returns the NvSciIpc file descriptor for a given endpoint. More...
NvSciError | NvSciIpcGetEvent (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, uint32_t *events) |
| Get Events. More...
NvSciError | NvSciIpcGetEventSafe (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, uint32_t *events) |
| Get Events (safety version) More...
NvSciError | NvSciIpcGetAsyncErrors (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, uint32_t *errors) |
| Get asynchronouse errors. More...
NvSciError | NvSciIpcEnableNotification (NvSciIpcEndpoint handle, bool flag) |
| Enable event notification (or polling) More...
NvSciError | NvSciIpcCheckVersionCompatibility (uint32_t majorVer, uint32_t minorVer, bool *isCompatible) |
| Check NvSciIpc library version compatibility. More...