Defines the metadata associated with the image.
Definition at line 56 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
Data Fields | |
uint64_t | frameCaptureTSC |
Holds the TSC timestamp of the end of frame for capture. More... | |
uint64_t | frameCaptureStartTSC |
Holds the TSC timestamp of the start of frame for capture. More... | |
uint32_t | numExposures |
Holds the parsed embedded data frame number of exposures info for the captured frame. More... | |
DevBlkCDIExposure | sensorExpInfo |
Holds the parsed embedded data sensor exposure info for the captured frame. More... | |
DevBlkCDIWhiteBalance | sensorWBInfo |
Holds the parsed embedded data sensor white balance info for the captured frame. More... | |
DevBlkCDIIllumination | illuminationInfo |
Holds the parsed embedded data illumination info for the captured frame. More... | |
DevBlkCDIPWL | sensorPWLInfo |
Holds the parsed embedded data sensor PWL info for the captured frame. More... | |
DevBlkCDICRC | sensorCRCInfo |
Holds the parsed embedded data sensor crc info for the captured frame. More... | |
DevBlkCDIFrameReport | sensorReportInfo |
Holds the parsed embedded data frame report info for the captured frame. More... | |
DevBlkCDITemperature | sensorTempInfo |
Holds the parsed embedded data sensor temperature info for the captured frame. More... | |
DevBlkCDIFrameSeqNum | frameSeqNumInfo |
Holds the parsed embedded data frame sequence number info for the captured frame. More... | |
bool | badPixelStatsValid |
Holds a flag indicating if the ISP bad pixel statistics are valid. More... | |
NvSiplISPBadPixelStatsData | badPixelStats |
Holds the ISP bad pixel statistics for the previous ISP output frame. More... | |
NvSiplISPBadPixelStats | badPixelSettings |
Holds the ISP bad pixel settings for the previous ISP output frame. More... | |
DevBlkCDIFrameTimestamp | frameTimestampInfo |
Holds parsed embedded data frame timestamp info for the captured frame. More... | |
bool | histogramStatsValid [2] |
Holds a flag indicating if the ISP Histogram statistics are valid. More... | |
NvSiplISPHistogramStatsData | histogramStats [2] |
Holds the ISP Histogram statistics for the previous ISP output frame. More... | |
NvSiplISPHistogramStats | histogramSettings [2] |
Holds the ISP Histogram settings for the previous ISP output frame. More... | |
bool | localAvgClipStatsValid [2] |
Holds a flag indicating if the ISP Local Average and Clipped statistics are valid. More... | |
NvSiplISPLocalAvgClipStatsData | localAvgClipStats [2] |
Holds the ISP Local Average and Clipped statistics for the previous ISP output frame. More... | |
NvSiplISPLocalAvgClipStats | localAvgClipSettings [2] |
Holds the ISP Local Average and Clipped settings for the previous ISP output frame. More... | |
int8_t | errorFlag |
Holds information on errors present in the embedded data. More... | |
NvSiplControlInfo | controlInfo |
Holds the control information. More... | |
NvSiplISPBadPixelStats nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::badPixelSettings |
Holds the ISP bad pixel settings for the previous ISP output frame.
Definition at line 85 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
NvSiplISPBadPixelStatsData nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::badPixelStats |
Holds the ISP bad pixel statistics for the previous ISP output frame.
Definition at line 83 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
bool nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::badPixelStatsValid |
Holds a flag indicating if the ISP bad pixel statistics are valid.
Definition at line 81 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
NvSiplControlInfo nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::controlInfo |
Holds the control information.
Definition at line 106 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
int8_t nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::errorFlag |
Holds information on errors present in the embedded data.
The meaning of these values is determined by the driver.
Definition at line 104 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
uint64_t nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::frameCaptureStartTSC |
Holds the TSC timestamp of the start of frame for capture.
Definition at line 61 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
uint64_t nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::frameCaptureTSC |
Holds the TSC timestamp of the end of frame for capture.
Definition at line 59 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
DevBlkCDIFrameSeqNum nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::frameSeqNumInfo |
Holds the parsed embedded data frame sequence number info for the captured frame.
Definition at line 79 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
DevBlkCDIFrameTimestamp nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::frameTimestampInfo |
Holds parsed embedded data frame timestamp info for the captured frame.
Definition at line 87 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
NvSiplISPHistogramStats nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::histogramSettings[2] |
Holds the ISP Histogram settings for the previous ISP output frame.
Definition at line 95 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
NvSiplISPHistogramStatsData nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::histogramStats[2] |
Holds the ISP Histogram statistics for the previous ISP output frame.
Definition at line 92 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
bool nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::histogramStatsValid[2] |
Holds a flag indicating if the ISP Histogram statistics are valid.
Definition at line 90 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
DevBlkCDIIllumination nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::illuminationInfo |
Holds the parsed embedded data illumination info for the captured frame.
Definition at line 69 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
NvSiplISPLocalAvgClipStats nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::localAvgClipSettings[2] |
Holds the ISP Local Average and Clipped settings for the previous ISP output frame.
Definition at line 101 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
NvSiplISPLocalAvgClipStatsData nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::localAvgClipStats[2] |
Holds the ISP Local Average and Clipped statistics for the previous ISP output frame.
Definition at line 99 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
bool nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::localAvgClipStatsValid[2] |
Holds a flag indicating if the ISP Local Average and Clipped statistics are valid.
Definition at line 97 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
uint32_t nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::numExposures |
Holds the parsed embedded data frame number of exposures info for the captured frame.
Definition at line 63 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
DevBlkCDICRC nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::sensorCRCInfo |
Holds the parsed embedded data sensor crc info for the captured frame.
Definition at line 73 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
DevBlkCDIExposure nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::sensorExpInfo |
Holds the parsed embedded data sensor exposure info for the captured frame.
Definition at line 65 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
DevBlkCDIPWL nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::sensorPWLInfo |
Holds the parsed embedded data sensor PWL info for the captured frame.
Definition at line 71 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
DevBlkCDIFrameReport nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::sensorReportInfo |
Holds the parsed embedded data frame report info for the captured frame.
Definition at line 75 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
DevBlkCDITemperature nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::sensorTempInfo |
Holds the parsed embedded data sensor temperature info for the captured frame.
Definition at line 77 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.
DevBlkCDIWhiteBalance nvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaData::sensorWBInfo |
Holds the parsed embedded data sensor white balance info for the captured frame.
Definition at line 67 of file NvSIPLClient.hpp.