Holds controls for local average and clip statistics (LAC Stats).
Definition at line 458 of file NvSIPLISPStat.hpp.
Data Fields | |
NvSiplBool | enable |
Holds a Boolean to enable the local average and clip statistics block. More... | |
Holds minimum value of pixels in RGGB/RCCB/RCCC order. More... | |
Holds maximum value of pixels in RGGB/RCCB/RCCC order. More... | |
NvSiplBool | roiEnable [NVSIPL_ISP_MAX_LAC_ROI] |
Holds a Boolean to enable an individual region of interest. More... | |
NvSiplISPStatisticsWindows | windows [NVSIPL_ISP_MAX_LAC_ROI] |
Holds local average and clip windows for each region of interest. More... | |
NvSiplBool | ellipticalMaskEnable [NVSIPL_ISP_MAX_LAC_ROI] |
Holds a Boolean to enable an elliptical mask for excluding pixels outside a specified area for each region of interest. More... | |
NvSiplISPEllipse | ellipticalMask |
Holds an elliptical mask for excluding pixels outside specified area. More... | |
NvSiplISPEllipse nvsipl::NvSiplISPLocalAvgClipStats::ellipticalMask |
Holds an elliptical mask for excluding pixels outside specified area.
Coordinates of the image's top left and bottom right points are (0, 0) and (width, height), respectively.
Definition at line 509 of file NvSIPLISPStat.hpp.
NvSiplBool nvsipl::NvSiplISPLocalAvgClipStats::ellipticalMaskEnable[NVSIPL_ISP_MAX_LAC_ROI] |
Holds a Boolean to enable an elliptical mask for excluding pixels outside a specified area for each region of interest.
Definition at line 496 of file NvSIPLISPStat.hpp.
NvSiplBool nvsipl::NvSiplISPLocalAvgClipStats::enable |
Holds a Boolean to enable the local average and clip statistics block.
Definition at line 462 of file NvSIPLISPStat.hpp.
float_t nvsipl::NvSiplISPLocalAvgClipStats::max[NVSIPL_ISP_MAX_COLOR_COMPONENT] |
Holds maximum value of pixels in RGGB/RCCB/RCCC order.
Definition at line 472 of file NvSIPLISPStat.hpp.
float_t nvsipl::NvSiplISPLocalAvgClipStats::min[NVSIPL_ISP_MAX_COLOR_COMPONENT] |
Holds minimum value of pixels in RGGB/RCCB/RCCC order.
Definition at line 467 of file NvSIPLISPStat.hpp.
NvSiplBool nvsipl::NvSiplISPLocalAvgClipStats::roiEnable[NVSIPL_ISP_MAX_LAC_ROI] |
Holds a Boolean to enable an individual region of interest.
Definition at line 476 of file NvSIPLISPStat.hpp.
NvSiplISPStatisticsWindows nvsipl::NvSiplISPLocalAvgClipStats::windows[NVSIPL_ISP_MAX_LAC_ROI] |
Holds local average and clip windows for each region of interest.
Definition at line 491 of file NvSIPLISPStat.hpp.