Holds histogram statistics (HIST Stats).
Definition at line 123 of file NvSIPLISPStat.hpp.
Data Fields | |
Holds histogram data for each color component in RGGB/RCCB/RCCC order. More... | |
uint32_t | excludedCount [NVSIPL_ISP_MAX_COLOR_COMPONENT] |
Holds the number of pixels excluded by the elliptical mask for each color component. More... | |
uint32_t nvsipl::NvSiplISPHistogramStatsData::data[NVSIPL_ISP_HIST_BINS][NVSIPL_ISP_MAX_COLOR_COMPONENT] |
Holds histogram data for each color component in RGGB/RCCB/RCCC order.
Definition at line 127 of file NvSIPLISPStat.hpp.
uint32_t nvsipl::NvSiplISPHistogramStatsData::excludedCount[NVSIPL_ISP_MAX_COLOR_COMPONENT] |
Holds the number of pixels excluded by the elliptical mask for each color component.
Definition at line 132 of file NvSIPLISPStat.hpp.