6.0.9 Release
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13 #ifndef NVSIPL_ISP_STAT_H
14 #define NVSIPL_ISP_STAT_H
22 #define NVSIPL_ISP_HIST_BINS (256U)
42 #define NVSIPL_ISP_MAX_LAC_ROI (4U)
63 #define NVSIPL_ISP_MAX_FB_BANDS (256U)
NvSiplRect rectangularMask
Holds a rectangular mask for excluding pixels outside a specified area.
NvSiplISPLocalAvgClipStats lacStats[2]
Structure containing override settings for local average clip statistics block.
uint32_t highMagOutWin
Holds accumulated pixel adjustment for pixels corrected upward outside the window.
float_t offset
Holds offset to be applied to input data prior to bin mapping.
NvSiplBool enable
Holds a Boolean to enable flicker band statistics block.
double_t slope
Holds slope of the spline curve at the control point.
Holds local average and clip statistics block (LAC Stats).
Holds controls for local average and clip statistics (LAC Stats).
Holds local average and clip statistics data for a region of interest.
float_t angle
Holds angle of the ellipse horizontal axis from X axis in degrees in clockwise direction.
uint32_t numWindowsH
Holds number of windows horizontally in one region of interest.
NvSiplPoint startOffset
Holds the position of the top left pixel in the top left window.
NvSiplBool ellipticalMaskEnable
Holds a Boolean to enable an elliptical mask for excluding pixels outside a specified area.
uint32_t highMagInWin
Holds accumulated pixel adjustment for pixels corrected upward within the window.
NVIDIA SIPL: Common Data Structures - SIPL
Defines a radial transform.
NvSiplBool enableBpStatsOverride[1]
boolean flag to enable bad pixel statistics settings override
Holds controls for histogram statistics (HIST Stats).
Number of radial transfer function control points.
uint32_t lowMagOutWin
Holds accumulated pixel adjustment for pixels corrected downward outside the window.
NvSiplRect rectangularMask
Holds a rectangular mask for excluding pixels outside a specified area.
NvSiplBool disableLensShadingCorrection
boolean flag to disable lens shading compensation for histogram statistics block
Maximum number of color components.
Maximum number of local average and clip statistic block regions of interest.
uint32_t lowMagInWin
Holds accumulated pixel adjustment for pixels corrected downward within the window.
float_t max
Holds maximum value of pixel to include for flicker band stats.
NvSiplISPRadialTF radialTF
Holds a radial transfer function for elliptical weight.
NvSiplBool enable
Holds a Boolean to enable the local average and clip statistics block.
uint32_t bandHeight
Holds height of single band.
Maximum number of bands for flicker band statistics block.
Number of histogram bins.
NvSiplPointFloat center
Holds center of the ellipse.
NvSiplISPEllipse ellipticalMask
Holds an elliptical mask for excluding pixels outside a specified area.
uint32_t bandWidth
Holds width of single band.
Defines the location of a point on a two-dimensional object.
NvSiplISPEllipse ellipticalMask
Holds an elliptical mask for excluding pixels outside specified area.
uint32_t horizontalAxis
Holds horizontal axis of the ellipse.
NvSiplBool enable
Holds a Boolean to enable the bad pixel statistics block.
SIPL ISP Histogram Statistics Override Params.
NvSiplBool ellipticalMaskEnable
Holds a Boolean to enable an elliptical mask for excluding pixels outside a specified area.
NvSiplBool enableLacStatsOverride[2]
boolean flag to enable local average clip statistics settings override
NvSiplISPHistogramStatsOverride histStats[2]
Structure containing override settings for histogram statistics block.
Maximum number of windows for local average and clip in a region of interest.
float_t min
Holds minimum value of pixel to include for flicker band stats.
float_t y
Holds Y coordinate of the control point.
Defines the windows used in ISP stats calculations.
uint32_t bandCount
Holds band count.
NvSiplBool ellipticalMaskEnable
Holds a Boolean to enable an elliptical mask for excluding pixels outside a specified area.
NvSiplBool enable
Holds a Boolean to enable histogram statistics block.
NvSiplISPEllipse ellipticalMask
Holds an elliptical mask for excluding pixels outside a specified area.
Holds a rectangular region of a surface.
uint32_t height
Holds height of the window in pixels.
uint32_t verticalInterval
Holds the distance between the top edge of one window and a vertically adjacent window.
Holds bad pixel statistics (BP Stats).
uint32_t lowOutWin
Holds bad pixel count for pixels corrected downward outside the window.
NvSiplRect rectangularMask
Holds rectangular mask for excluding pixel outside a specified area.
float_t offset
Holds offset to be applied to input data prior to bin mapping.
Holds histogram statistics (HIST Stats).
uint32_t numWindowsV
Holds number of windows vertically.
Holds flicker band statistics (FB Stats).
uint32_t lowInWin
Holds bad pixel count for pixels corrected downward within the window.
NvSiplBool ellipticalWeightEnable
Holds a Boolean to enable elliptical weighting of pixels based on spatial location.
uint32_t horizontalInterval
Holds the distance between the left edge of one window and a horizontally adjacent window.
Defines the float-precision location of a point on a two-dimensional object.
uint32_t numWindowsH
Holds number of windows horizontally.
Holds controls for flicker band statistics (FB Stats).
Defines a spline control point.
uint16_t bandCount
Holds count of flicker band samples to collect per frame.
Holds controls for bad pixel statistics (BP Stats).
NvSiplISPEllipse radialTransform
Holds ellipse for radial transform.
uint32_t NvSiplBool
A boolean value, holding SIPL_TRUE or SIPL_FALSE.
SIPL ISP Statistics Override Parameters.
Number of histogram knee points.
uint32_t numWindowsV
Holds number of windows vertically in one region of interest.
Contains the classes and variables for implementation of SIPL.
NvSiplISPBadPixelStats bpStats[1]
Structure containing override settings for bad pixel statistics block.
float_t x
Holds X coordinate of the control point.
NvSiplISPEllipse ellipticalMask
Holds an elliptical mask to exclude pixels outside a specified area.
uint32_t width
Holds width of the window in pixels.
NvSiplBool enableHistStatsOverride[2]
boolean flag to enable histogram statistics settings override
uint32_t verticalAxis
Holds vertical axis of the ellipse.
NvSiplPoint startOffset
Holds the offset of the first band top line.
uint32_t highInWin
Holds bad pixel count for pixels corrected upward within the window.
NvSiplBool enable
Holds a Boolean to enable histogram statistics Control block.
uint32_t highOutWin
Holds bad pixel count for pixels corrected upward outside the window.