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  • NVIDIA DRIVE OS Linux SDK API Reference

    6.0.9 Release
    All Data Structures Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Macros Modules Pages
    Class Hierarchy

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    This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
    [detail level 12]
     C_NvMediaPictureInfo_AV1Holds picture parameter information for AV1 picture
     Cnvsipl::CameraModuleInfoDefines information for the camera module
     Cnvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ConsumerDescDescribes a client of the pipeline
     Cnvsipl::CryptoKeyInfoDescribes a single globally-visible crypto key object
     Cnvsipl::DeserInfoDefines the deserializer information
     Cnvsipl::DeviceBlockInfoDefines the DeviceBlock information
     Cnvsipl::DeviceInfoListDefines a list of all external image devices supported by NvSIPL Query and SIPL Device Block drivers
     Cnvsipl::EEPROMInfoDefines the EEPROM information
     Cether_exported_ifr_dataStruct ether_exported_ifr_data - Private data of struct ifreq
     Cether_l2_filterStructure for L2 filters input
     Cnvsipl::INvSIPLClient::ImageMetaDataDefines the metadata associated with the image
     Cnvsipl::IntrGpioInfoDescribes an Interrupt GPIO configuration
     Cnvsipl::INvSIPLClient::INvSIPLBufferAbstract interface for SIPL buffers
     Cnvsipl::INvSIPLCameraThe top-level API for SIPL
     Cnvsipl::INvSIPLClientDefines the public data structures and describes the interfaces for NvSIPL Client
     Cnvsipl::INvSIPLFrameCompletionQueueThe interface to the frame completion queue
     Cnvsipl::INvSIPLNotificationQueueThe interface to the notification queue
     Cnvsipl::INvSIPLQueryDefines the public data structures and describes the interfaces for NvSIPLQuery
     Cnvsipl::INvSIPLTraceDefines the public interfaces to control the logging/tracing of SIPL
     Cnvsipl::ISiplControlAutoDefines SIPL Control Auto Interface Class
     Cnvsipl::NvSIPLPipelineNotifier::NotificationDataDefines the notification data
     CNvData32RecUnion that can be used to view a 32-bit word as your choice of a 32-bit unsigned integer, a 32-bit signed integer, or an IEEE single-precision float
     CNvData64RecGeneric data representation for both 32 and 64 bits data
     CNvMedia2DAttributesAttributes structure for NvMedia2DCreate()
     CNvMedia2DComposeResultStores information returned from NvMedia2DCompose()
     CNvMedia2DFilterCoefficients10TapCoefficients values structure for 10-tap custom filter
     CNvMedia2DFilterCoefficients5TapCoefficients values structure for 5-tap custom filter
     CNvMediaBitstreamBufferHolds an application data buffer containing compressed video data
     CNvMediaBitStreamPktHolds the bitstream packet input for parsing
     CNvMediaContentLightLevelInfoContent Light Level info for an H.265 picture
     CNvMediaDecCurrFrameHolds decoded current frame information
     CNvMediaDecRefFrameHolds decoded reference frame information
     CNvMediaDlaArgsHolds input and output DLA data
     CNvMediaDlaBinaryLoadableHolds attributes for populating binary loadables for NvMediaDla
     CNvMediaDlaDataSpecifies the data type and data pointer
     CNvMediaDlaDataPointerHolds pointers to the DLA data
     CNvMediaDlaTensorDescriptorHolds tensor attributes
     CNvMediaDlaUMDVersionHolds the DLA UMD version
     CNvMediaDPBInfoHolds decoded Picture Buffer information
     CNvMediaEncodeCfgFilesDefines the structure for holding the encoding attributes for HW validation
     CNvMediaEncodeCodecExDataHolds a codec-specific extradata output
     CNvMediaEncodeConfigAV1Holds AV1 encoder configuration parameters
     CNvMediaEncodeConfigH264Holds an H264 encoder configuration
     CNvMediaEncodeConfigH264VUIParamsHolds H264 video usability information parameters
     CNvMediaEncodeConfigH265Holds the H265 encoder configuration parameters
     CNvMediaEncodeConfigH265VUIParamsHolds the H.265 video usability information parameters
     CNvMediaEncodeConfigVP9Holds VP9 encoder configuration parameters
     CNvMediaEncodeDRCConfigDefines the resolution change parameters
     CNvMediaEncodeExternalMEHintHolds an External Motion Vector hint
     CNvMediaEncodeExternalMeHintCountsPerBlocktypeHolds an external motion vector hint with counts per block type
     CNvMediaEncodeFrameFullPropHolds a encoder frames property
     CNvMediaEncodeH264SEIPayloadH.264 specific User SEI message
     CNvMediaEncodeH265SEIPayloadHolds an H265-specific User SEI message
     CNvMediaEncodeInitializeParamsAV1Holds AV1-specific encode initialization parameters
     CNvMediaEncodeInitializeParamsH264Holds H264-specific encode initialization parameters
     CNvMediaEncodeInitializeParamsH265Holds H265-specific encode initialization parameters
     CNvMediaEncodeInitializeParamsVP9Holds VP9-specific encode initialization parameters
     CNvMediaEncodeInputExtradataHolds an Video encoder input extradata configuration
     CNvMediaEncodeMVBufferHeaderHeader format that defines motion vector output
     CNvMediaEncodeMVDataMotion Vector format - motion vectors for each of the macro blocks are dumped in this format contiguously in memory, beyond the NvMediaEncodeMVBufferHeader in the bitstream
     CNvMediaEncodeOutputExtradataHolds the encoder output extradata configuration
     CNvMediaEncodePicParamsAV1Holds AV1-specific encoder picture parameters, which are sent on a per frame basis
     CNvMediaEncodePicParamsH264H264 specific encoder picture params
     CNvMediaEncodePicParamsH265Holds H265-specific encoder picture parameters
     CNvMediaEncodePicParamsVP9Holds VP9-specific encoder picture parameters, which are sent on a per frame basis
     CNvMediaEncodeQPHolds quantization parameters (QP) value for frames
     CNvMediaEncodeRCParamsHolds rate control configuration parameters
     CNvMediaFrameStatsHolds the statistics from encode profiling
     CNvMediaIDEFrameStatsFrame stats structure to get get ring entry idx and motion vector dump
     CNvMediaIDEFrameStatusTo Get the decoding status from HW decoder
     CNvMediaIofaHolds an IOFA object created and returned by NvMediaIOFACreate()
     CNvMediaIofaBufArrayHolds pointers to NvMedia bufObjs containing input and output surfaces
     CNvMediaIofaCapabilityNvmedia Iofa Capability structure
     CNvMediaIofaEpipolarInfoStructure holds Epipolar information
     CNvMediaIofaInitParamsHolds IOFA Initialization API parameters
     CNvMediaIofaProcessParamsHolds IOFA Process Frame API parameters
     CNvMediaIofaPydHintParamsParameters related to input pyramid hint surface
     CNvMediaIofaROIParamsStructure holds ROI information
     CNvMediaIofaROIRectParamsHolds Co-ordinates for Region of Interest
     CNvMediaIofaSGMParamsHolds SGM parameters
    TBD: Add more details about SGM Params with input range
     CNvMediaJPEGAppMarkerInfoHolds image JPEG decoder marker Info
     CNVMEDIAJPEGDecAttributesHolds image JPEG decoder attributes
     CNVMEDIAJPEGDecInfoHolds image JPEG decoder stream information
     CNvMediaJPEncAttributesImage JPEG encoder attributes
     CNvMediaJPHuffmanTableSpecficationImage JPEG encoder HuffmanTable
     CNvMediaLdcAttributesAttributes structure for NvMediaLdcCreate()
     CNvMediaLdcCameraExtrinsicExtrinsic camera parameters
     CNvMediaLdcCameraIntrinsicInstrinsic camera parameters
     CNvMediaLdcChecksumRepresents a checksum
     CNvMediaLdcControlPointRepresents a control point
     CNvMediaLdcIptParametersHolds inverse perspective transformation configuration
     CNvMediaLdcLensDistortionDistortion coefficients for the lens model
     CNvMediaLdcMaskMapParametersHolds the Mask Map information
     CNvMediaLdcParametersAttributesAttributes that specify resources needed for NvMediaLdcParameters instance
     CNvMediaLdcRegionParametersHolds the NvMedia LDC region configuration
     CNvMediaLdcResultStores information returned from NvMediaLdcProcess()
     CNvMediaLdcTnrParametersHolds the TNR3 initialization parameters
     CNvMediaLdcWarpMapParametersHolds the NvMedia LDC definition of a Warp Map
     CNvMediaMasteringDisplayDataMastering display data for an H.265 picture
     CNvMediaMotionVectorFrameMetaDataMotion vector array to get the required current frame stats
     CNvMediaMotionVectorMB_MetadataPer Macroblock header information
     CNvMediaNalDataThis is used to get header info (SPS/PPS/VPS) using GetAttribute call
     CNvMediaParserParamsHolds initialization parameters for the decoder class
     CNvMediaParserPictureDataHolds picture information for the current frame decode operation
     CNvMediaParserSeqInfoHolds video sequence information
     CNvMediaPictureInfoH264Picture parameter information for an H.264 picture
     CNvMediaPictureInfoH265Holds picture parameter information for an H.265 picture
     CNvMediaPictureInfoMPEG1Or2Holds picture parameter information for an MPEG 1 or MPEG 2 picture
     CNvMediaPictureInfoMPEG4Part2Holds picture parameter information for an MPEG-4 Part 2 picture
     CNvMediaPictureInfoVC1Holds picture parameter information for a VC1 picture
     CNvMediaPictureInfoVP8Picture parameter information for a VP8 picture
     CNvMediaPictureInfoVP9Holds picture parameter information for a VP9 picture
     CNvMediaRectHolds a rectangular region of a surface
     CNvMediaReferenceFrameH264Information about an H.264 reference frame
     CNvMediaSEIPayloadH264H.264 SEI payload information Used by the parser only
     CNvMediaSliceDecodeDataSlice level data used with slice level decoding
     CNvMediaTaskStatusHolds status of latest operation for NvMedia managed data structure
     CNvMediaTensorAttrHolds tensor creation attributes
     CNvMediaTensorMetaDataHolds the tensor metadata
     CNvMediaTensorSurfaceMapDefines the tensor surface map descriptor used by NvMediaTensorLock()
     CNvMediaTensorTaskStatusHolds the status of the latest operation for a tensor
     CNvMediaVersionHolds NvMedia version information
     CNvMediaVP9BackwardUpdatesHolds VP9 counters for adaptive entropy contexts
     CNvmediaVP9EntropyProbsHolds VP9 entropy contexts
     CNvPointRecThis structure is used to determine a location on a 2-dimensional object, where the coordinate (0,0) is located at the top-left of the object
     CNvRectF32RecThis structure is used to define a 2-dimensional rectangle with floating point coordinates
     CNvRectRecThis structure is used to define a 2-dimensional rectangle where the rectangle is bottom right exclusive (that is, the right most column, and the bottom row of the rectangle is not included)
     CNvRmGpuClockAsyncNotImplementedOS-specific type of asynchronous clock request handle (unimplemented)
     CNvRmGpuClockDomainInfoRecClock domain info
     CNvRmGpuClockGetEntryRecEntry for clock get request
     CNvRmGpuClockPointRecClock voltage/frequency point
     CNvRmGpuClockRangeRecFrequency range for clock domain
     CNvRmGpuClockSetEntryRecEntry for clock set request
     CNvRmGpuDeviceEventInfoRecGPU device event
     CNvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttrRecExtensible attribute structure for NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpen()
     CNvRmGpuDeviceOpenAttrRecExtensible attribute structure for NvRmGpuDeviceOpen()
     CNvRmGpuLibDeviceListEntryRecDevice list entry
     CNvRmGpuLibOpenAttrRecExtensible attribute structure for NvRmGpuLibOpen()
     CNvRmGpuLibVersionInfoRecThe version information structure returned by NvRmGpuLibGetVersionInfo()
     CNvSciBufAttrKeyValuePairThis structure defines a key/value pair used to get or set the NvSciBufAttrKey(s) and their corresponding values from or to NvSciBufAttrList
     CNvSciBufAttrValGpuCacheDatatype specifying GPU cacheability preference for a particular GPU ID
     CNvSciBufAttrValGpuCompressionDatatype specifying compression type needed for a particular GPU ID
     CNvSciBufRectDatatype specifying the surface co-ordinates for NvSciBufObjGetPixels / NvSciBufObjPutPixels functionality
     CNvSciEventLoopServiceAn abstract interface that event consumer can wait for events using event notifier in event loop
     CNvSciEventNotifierAn abstract interface to notify event to event consumer and to register event handler of the event consumer client process
     CNvSciEventServiceAn abstract interface for a program's event handling infrastructure
     CNvSciIpcEndpointInfoDefines information about the NvSciIpc endpoint
     CNvSciLocalEventAn OS-agnostic object that sends signal to another thread in the same process
     CNvSciRmGpuIdDefines GPU ID structure
     CNvSciSyncAttrKeyValuePairThis structure defines a key/value pair used to get or set the NvSciSyncAttrKey(s) and their corresponding values from or to NvSciSyncAttrList
     CNvSciSyncFenceDefines the opaque NvSciSyncFence
     CNvSciSyncFenceIpcExportDescriptorDefines the exported form of NvSciSyncFence intended to be shared across an NvSciIpc channel
     CNvSciSyncObjIpcExportDescriptorDefines the exported form of NvSciSyncObj intended to be shared across an NvSciIpc channel
     CNvSiplCapInputFormatHolds the capture input format
     Cnvsipl::NvSiplControlInfoDefines the control info
     Cnvsipl::NvSIPLDeviceBlockQueuesHolds the queues used by the client to receive device block event notifications
     Cnvsipl::NvSIPLDownscaleCropCfgDownscale and crop configuration
     Cnvsipl::NvSIPLImageGroupWriterDescribes the interfaces of SIPL pipeline feeder
     Cnvsipl::NvSiplISPBadPixelStatsHolds controls for bad pixel statistics (BP Stats)
     Cnvsipl::NvSiplISPBadPixelStatsDataHolds bad pixel statistics (BP Stats)
     Cnvsipl::NvSiplISPEllipseDefines an ellipse
     Cnvsipl::NvSiplISPFlickerBandStatsHolds controls for flicker band statistics (FB Stats)
     Cnvsipl::NvSiplISPFlickerBandStatsDataHolds flicker band statistics (FB Stats)
     Cnvsipl::NvSiplISPGlobalToneMapInfoDefines the global tone map spline
     Cnvsipl::NvSiplISPHistogramStatsHolds controls for histogram statistics (HIST Stats)
     Cnvsipl::NvSiplISPHistogramStatsDataHolds histogram statistics (HIST Stats)
     Cnvsipl::NvSiplISPHistogramStatsOverrideSIPL ISP Histogram Statistics Override Params
     Cnvsipl::NvSiplISPLocalAvgClipStatsHolds controls for local average and clip statistics (LAC Stats)
     Cnvsipl::NvSiplISPLocalAvgClipStatsDataHolds local average and clip statistics block (LAC Stats)
     Cnvsipl::NvSiplISPLocalAvgClipStatsROIDataHolds local average and clip statistics data for a region of interest
     Cnvsipl::NvSiplISPRadialTFDefines a radial transform
     Cnvsipl::NvSiplISPSplineControlPointDefines a spline control point
     Cnvsipl::NvSiplISPStatisticsWindowsDefines the windows used in ISP stats calculations
     Cnvsipl::NvSIPLIspStatsOverrideSettingSIPL ISP Statistics Override Parameters
     Cnvsipl::NvSIPLNitoMetadataNvSIPLNitoMetadata defines the 3-tuple returned by a successful call to GetNitoMetadataFromMemory()
     Cnvsipl::NvSIPLPipelineConfigurationDefines the camera pipeline configuration
     Cnvsipl::NvSIPLPipelineNotifierDescribes the interfaces of the SIPL pipeline notification handler
     Cnvsipl::NvSIPLPipelineQueuesThis is the output structure for SetPipelineCfg()
     Cnvsipl::NvSiplPointDefines the location of a point on a two-dimensional object
     Cnvsipl::NvSiplPointFloatDefines the float-precision location of a point on a two-dimensional object
     Cnvsipl::NvSiplRectHolds a rectangular region of a surface
     Cnvsipl::NvSIPLVersionHolds the version information of NvSIPL Camera and NvSIPL Client
     CNvSizeRecThis structure is used to define a 2-dimensional surface where the surface is determined by it's height and width in pixels
     Cosi_core_avb_algorithmOSI Core avb data structure per queue
     Cosi_core_frp_cmdFRP command structure for OSD to OSI
     Cosi_est_configOSI Core EST structure
     Cosi_fpe_configOSI Core FPE structure
     Cosi_mmc_countersOsi_mmc_counters - The structure to hold RMON counter values
     Cosi_statsOSI Core error stats structure
     Cnvsipl::PlatformCfgDefines the camera platform configuration
     Cnvsipl::NvSIPLImageGroupWriter::RawBufferDescribes an unprocessed sensor output buffer
     Cnvsipl::SensorInfo::ResolutionDefines the image resolution
     Cnvsipl::SensorInfoDefines the image sensor information
     Cnvsipl::SerdesGPIOPinMapDefines GPIO mapping from the serializer to the deserializer
     Cnvsipl::SerInfoDefines the serializer information
     Cnvsipl::SiplControlAutoAwbGainColor Gains assuming order RGGB, RCCB, RCCC
     Cnvsipl::SiplControlAutoAwbSettingAutomatic white balance settings
     Cnvsipl::SiplControlAutoInputParamInput parameters for processing AE/AWB
     Cnvsipl::SiplControlAutoMetadataStructure containing metadata info for processing AE/AWB algorithm
     Cnvsipl::SiplControlAutoOutputParamAE/AWB Output parameters
     Cnvsipl::SiplControlAutoSensorSettingSensor settings
     Cnvsipl::SiplControlEmbedDataEmbedded data and parsed information
     Cnvsipl::SiplControlEmbedInfoParsed frame embedded information
     Cnvsipl::SiplControlIspStatsInfoStructure containing ISP Stats information
     Cnvsipl::SIPLErrorDetailsError details for a particular device
     Cnvsipl::INvSIPLQuery::VersionDefines the version information for NvSIPLQuery_API
     Cnvsipl::SensorInfo::VirtualChannelInfoDefines the information of a virtual channel/single exposure